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Neighbors Helping Neighbors: Cy-Fair Women's Club Distributes Funds to Other Nonprofits

Neighbors Helping Neighbors: Cy-Fair Women's Club Distributes Funds to Other Nonprofits

August 15 2023

In the true spirit of helping their neighbors, the Cy-Fair Women's Club has been busy spreading hope, support and encouragement to other nonprofits across the community this year. Thanks to their Ways and Means funds, the CWC has selected and approved distribution of funds to over a dozen nonprofits for smaller projects that better residents of Cy-Fair.

Through their annual Shop 'til You Drop event, the CWC's Ways and Means Committee utilizes event proceeds to support impactful organizations that are on mission to make a positive difference in Cy-Fair. The committee receives requests through its membership, vets the requests, and proposes a distribution plan to submit to the membership for its approval.  

This year, thirteen nonprofits were proposed and approved.  
Organization Amount Rewarded Purpose
Family Ties $1,250 Teen and youth Leadership camps
Figment Ranch $1,250 Veterinary costs for the 200 animals residing on the ranch
Living Legacy $1,000 Mental health counseling fund
Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council $900 Campership for 2 girls who otherwise would not be able to attend summer camp
Cy-Fair Helping Hands $780 Four warehouse fans and a countertop ice machine
The Rose $750 No cost mammograms, ultrasound and biopsies to uninsured women
Sleep In Heavenly Peace  $750 Three complete bed sets for kids in need
Society of St. Vincent de Paul $625 Twenty-five $25 gift certificates to distribute at home visits and for immediate needs
Cypress Assistance Ministries $600 Senior (60+) client services, primarily rent and utilities
Reach Unlimited $595 Microgreens project growing supplies
Boys and Girls Country $500 State required hurricane water supply
Barkley's Bookshelf $500 Book bags for kids to carry their new books home in
MESA-OUTREACH $500 Cereal for their food pantry

Next month, the Cy-Fair Women's Club's annual Shop 'til You Drop event is set to return on Saturday, September 9 at the Berry Center. From 9:00 AM until 5:00 PM, the public is invited to this shopping extravaganza with nearly 300 vendors and booths. Admission and parking are free! Run entirely by CWC members, community partners and various generous organizations, the Cy-Fair Women's Club donates all STYD proceeds back to the community in the form of student scholarships and generous assistance to local nonprofit programs. To date, the CWC has made contributions of over $270,000 to help enhance the lives of community members across Cy-Fair for generations to come.


To learn more about Shop 'til You Drop, including a complete vendor list, please visit the Shop 'til You Drop page

Source: CWC

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