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Merry Christmas from your Williamsburg Settlement Board

Merry Christmas from your Williamsburg Settlement Board

December 12 2022

Although some of us older folks are asking ourselves where the year has gone, the fact remains that once again we are rapidly approaching holiday time. For the youngsters it can’t get here soon enough, but for many of us the secular aspects of Christmas present a challenge. The questions of what are the right gifts for each person on our list and perhaps more importantly how do we pay for them are eternal, especially as the year-end bills also become due! Christmas is a great time of the year to enjoy our families and the fellowship of our friends and neighbors. But as we do so let’s not forget to reflect on the many blessings that we enjoy in our great country, especially as we witness the hardships that must be endured daily by so many people living in countries where conflict presents an ever-present danger. Let’s each in our own way give thanks for our many blessings, especially for what we have and too easily take for granted.

Your Board of Directors would like to wish all our residents a safe and very happy holiday.

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