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March News From Your HOA

March News From Your HOA

March 01 2022



The Westgate HOA will conduct its Annual Homeowners’ Meeting on Thursday, March 24th.

Registration begins at 6:45 PM and the meeting begins at 7:15 PM.

You should receive a proxy for this meeting in the mail. It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to achieve that 5% attendance quorum at the Annual HOA meeting. A quorum of homeowners MUST BE REPRESENTED BY PROXY OR ATTEND THE MEETING FOR BUSINESS TO BE CONDUCTED, including the election. You can represent your home by returning your proxy BEFORE the meeting or by attending the meeting. Feel free to email the HOA Board if you have any questions or need your proxy picked up: You may also have someone come to your home to ask for your proxy for purposes of collecting enough to achieve a quorum. If you are having your proxy picked up, please put it in a sealed envelope.

Also, on the proxy, residents will have the opportunity to vote for a Board position that is currently held by Zorik Petrosian. Please look for all candidates’ statements of purpose on the website and on our Facebook group. Whoever wins this position will serve a two year term.

Each homeowner is entitled to one (1) vote per lot. Because the meeting will be held electronically, there is no in-person voting. All online voting, proxies or absentee ballots must be received by the 5 PM on Thursday, March 24, 2022.

Please read each of the two options carefully:


Westgate’s social committee would like to host an Easter Egg Hunt in the pool/park area, but only if a lead volunteer steps forward to help organize it by Friday, March 11th. If no one steps forward by then, the event will be canceled since we have to order supplies ahead. Please email the Board if you can pitch in and help make this a great event for our Westgate families at


The Board was able to avoid raising dues for 2022 and the annual statement has been mailed to all homeowners. The dues were due in January. If you were not able to pay your Westgate fees on time, be sure to call Inframark (281-870-0585) to discuss getting on a payment plan before more fees are tacked on—from the attorney, etc. $660 can turn into $1000+ very quickly. Even if you don’t think you can pay all at once, you need to call Inframark to make payment arrangements; DON’T WAIT and cost yourself MORE money.

These dues help pay for landscaping, electricity, water, refurbishing and adding amenities and pool management, among other things. It helps Westgate continue to be a great community with stable or increasing property values. If you’d ever like details of how your dues are spent, you can always ask our management company. Also, go to our annual meeting and you will receive a copy of the financials.


The curb appeal of our community depends on each resident maintaining his or her property as completely as possible. For those who keep their homes and yards well-maintained, the association thanks you for your efforts and good examples. We encourage all residents to pay particular attention to the following maintenance items. This is Not a complete list.

  1. Exterior paint. Paint is a quick and easy way to keep your property looking fresh, new and clean. It will also protect against corrosion, weathering and insects. ARC application is required if you are changing the paint color from the original paint color.
  2. Landscaping. Landscaping is extremely important to our community’s curb appeal. Please treat/remove weeds and remove dead plants and branches. Keep shrubs properly pruned and flowers well-tended. Keep yards free of leaves and remove grass clippings. Remember, as the weather warms up, your lawn will need to be mowed more often to maintain community standards.
  3. Roofs. Please insure your roofs are properly maintained and cleaned.
  4. Driveways and sidewalks. Please remove stains, clean mildew, repair cracks and fix other concrete problems. Remove weeds from sidewalk joints and debris from driveways and sidewalks. Do not use driveways for storage.
  5. Gutters and downspouts. Please keep them cleaned out to prevent overflowing and flooding. Repair any loose and or damaged gutters.
  6. Exterior siding, windows and wood trim. Replace rotted or damaged exterior trim. Clean mildew from exterior siding, brick and windows. ARC application is required if you are changing the paint color from the original paint color.
  7. Trash Container. Store trash containers out of the public view.
  8. Vehicles. All vehicles parked or stored in the community should be in operable condition.
  9. Fence. Repair damaged or rotted wood fence pickets as needed. NOTE: Fence stain is NOT allowed. If your fence needs complete replacement, please submit an ARC application prior to installing the new fence to ensure the fence replacement will be approved.

ARC applications are available on the community website or via

Thanks for keeping our community looking sharp.


Whether first-time homeowners or long-time residents, we all have a hefty investment in where we live. So it’s important to preserve the value of our residences-as well as the surrounding common areas we all share-by keeping buildings well-maintained and in a style that compliments adjacent structures and landscaping. When our homes’ exteriors are in good shape and the grass is cut, the hedges trimmed, the trash picked up and the sidewalks and roads well- maintained, the community is attractive to prospective buyers and renters and property values are preserved.

Our association’s Architectural Review Committee (ARC) review program is a big part of sustaining the community’s appearance and property values. While our ARC guidelines have some limitations, they allow enough flexibility for individual expression. Please submit an ARC application if you’re considering a project for your home that involves painting, roofing, redesigning or installing trees, constructing a fence, adding a secondary structure (like a garden shed, dog house, swing set or garage); or installing solar panels or any other exterior modifications to your home or exterior property.

Remember it is important to obtain approval for modifications prior to beginning an exterior modification.

The ARC application can be found at or you can request an application at


In an effort to educate our residents, we’ll periodically highlight some deed restriction or other item that needs improvement in Westgate:


According to our Declarations of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Easements, pg. 12-13, cars etc. must be IN WORKING ORDER, have current stickers etc. and are in daily use. Vehicles like a “boat, trailer...recreational vehicle” cannot be stored on your lot unless it is concealed; a TEMPORARY permit can be issued for certain situations.

Regarding parking, vehicles MUST NOT “BLOCK A SIDEWALK.” Also, “NO MORE THAN THREE VEHICLES...may be parked on the driveway.”

Any repair work to vehicles that is visible to the street MUST BE COMPLETED WITHIN 12 HOURS AND NOT OCCUR ON A FREQUENT/REGULAR BASIS, so as to prevent disorderly and unkempt appearance in Westgate.

IMPORTANT NOTE: It’s been reported in some sections that residents are parking on BOTH sides of the street. While I understand the difficulties of where to park, parking on both sides of the street CREATES A DANGEROUS SITUATION. Emergency vehicles cannot pass through to save a life! PLEASE, when parking on the street, stagger your vehicles so they are NOT PARKED DIRECTLY ACROSS FROM ANOTHER VEHICLE on the other side of the street!

Following these instructions helps keep our neighborhood looking neat and thus keeps up our property values, as well as helping keep Westgate safe. Let’s be considerate of our neighbors!

COPIES OF ALL WESTGATE FOUNDING DOCUMENTS (including the ARC form) can be downloaded from the Westgate website


To get the latest information on what’s happening in Westgate, be sure to check our other Westgate sources:

  2. The Westgate FACEBOOK page is Westgate’s official Social Media outlet for information (on Facebook, search for “WESTGATE SUBDIVISION Official” and you must sign up); you can find goodies like pictures of our events, HOA information, etc. If you have trouble finding it on Facebook, type this into your address bar:
    • Within a day or two, you will then be asked to verify your address, as it is a residents-only group. Look for this in your “messages” section and you may be asked to accept a message.
  3. Send questions to the WESTGATE HOA EMAIL,

The newsletter only comes out once a month and information is a month old, so the other methods are used when something happens last minute and if you missed the newsletter.


Westgate Subdivision falls within District 4 of the Harris County Sheriff’s Department. Suspicious behavior should be called in to the Non-Emergency/Dispatch number, general questions should be directed to the Patrol District Office and emergencies should always call 911:

Procedure When Filing a Report with the Sheriff’s Department

If you ever have to file a report with the Sheriff’s Department, whether after calling 911 or the nonemergency number (713-221-6000), be sure to let the deputy know that Westgate has a contract with the Sheriff’s Dept. through our MUD district (Harris County MUD #70). That way, the incident will be reported to our contract deputies, giving them information on what to look for in our community. Also, be sure to report the issue to our Crime Watch committee at They discuss the problems with our deputies as well.

16715 Clay Road, Houston, TX 77084 (for general information only)

EMERGENCY: 9-1-1 (emergencies only)


If you see a streetlight out, please report outages to CenterPoint Energy at 713-207-2222 or 800-332-7143; also at You will need the pole number, the black and white numbers listed vertically on the pole, to report the outage. This is something you can do to help keep your community safe. Otherwise, it may take a while for Centerpoint to notice it is out.

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