March News From Your HOA
Look at our website for specific information: https://wmst.swimtopia.com.
The West Memorial Civic Association has a duty to enforce neighborhood regulations. These typically include violations of deed restrictions, collection of annual assessments and related fees. The HOA Board’s authority is established in state law for the purpose of maintaining property values and quality of life. Enforcement proceeds along a defined path that, to be fair, must be consistently applied. The process often begins with a letter to the homeowner explaining the violation, which if ignored, may eventually end up in a lawsuit. Fortunately, most violations are resolved quickly following receipt of a letter. In rare circumstances the Board sends the matter to its attorneys. The attorneys’ first objective is to negotiate a settlement. Failing that, the Board must consider a lawsuit.
The Board positively hates to involve attorneys because its objective is compliance not penalty. The attorney path is costly and slow and the fees must eventually be collected from the homeowner, our neighbors. While a case is pending the problem is not going away. The Board is eager to meet with homeowners to negotiate a compliance plan but that process must be initiated by the homeowner. A reasonable solution can usually be agreed, especially when illness, loss of employment or other calamity is involved. The Board meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month (excluding May & December) beginning at 7 PM at the community clubhouse on Kingsland Blvd.
Please remember that any exterior change to your home requires approval from the Homeowners Association prior to performing the improvement and/or addition. You can find the governing rules and application process on the Association website at www.westmemorial.org or by contacting management at brytnie@highsierramanagement.com.
A buyer’s first impression of a neighborhood is from the curb. A favorable impression translates into higher home values, quicker sales and a more pleasant place to live. However, a couple of bad apples can cast an entire street in a negative light.
Your Homeowners’ Association is responsible for enforcing numerous deed restrictions and governing architectural controls that are designed to protect the community appearance. Our management company performs a monthly inspection of the entire community to identify violations and pursue resolution.
Start by removing clutter and debris from the yard.
- Park inoperable vehicles in your garage, out of public view.
- Store cans and other personal items out of sight.
- Rake any remaining leaves, weed and mulch flowerbeds. Don’t forget about removing the winter tree debris off of your roofs too!
- Fertilize lawns to encourage new growth and re-sod any brown spots.
- Prune trees and shrubbery as needed.
- Scrub or pressure wash mildew from the siding/brick, driveways and sidewalks (Cleaners are available that help prevent mold and mildew).
- Replace fence boards as needed or a quick pressure wash and then a clear weather sealant can make your fence look brand new and extend its maintenance life.
There have been numerous car break ins. The majority of targets have been unlocked vehicles.
Precinct 5 is aware of the issue, please report any breaks to the constables for further investigation.
The pool is nearing completions, which will include new fencing, the pools will be resurfaced and retitled with new lighting.
In addition, the deck will be pressured washed and the drains cleared for summer operation. There has been a new pool maintenance company hired to care for the pools throughout the year.
Be on the lookout for future park enhancements.
We are seeking volunteers for several upcoming projects. More homeowner participation would be appreciated
Please email volunteers@westmemorial.org for more information or questions.
As you walk through the subdivisions, you might realize that in some areas, we are experiencing severe erosion under the sidewalks. Depending on the location and the cause, the problem might be repaired (at no cost to the homeowner) by either West Memorial MUD at 281-392-2290 or hcmud81@comcast.net and/or Harris County at 713-755-6405. As a homeowner, you are responsible for the maintenance of sidewalks and driveways and should an accident occur because the sidewalk is not in “good” condition, the liability would be yours, as homeowner. So we encourage you to contact these two parties and have them come out to decide when they can make the repairs.
Perhaps you don’t realize that we pay a per diem charge for every light in the subdivision whether it is working or not. The lights are there for the protection of you and your families so please if you see a bulb out, pick up the phone and report it to Reliant at 713-207-2222. Don’t wait for or expect someone else to do it - please be proactive for the sake of all our residents.
If you need a Constable for any reason, they are available 24/7 by calling 281-463-6666.
We have leash laws in the County, this is for the safety of all residents. In addition, please carry a bag when you walk your dog and pick up your dog’s bowel movements. I am confident everyone will appreciate your being considerate on this point.
Do not forget to sign in at our monthly HOA meetings. We would like to include you on updates for the community and any email alerts.
We have received several notices in regards to street parking and obstructions that are caused by parking on the street.
Please review the following guidelines listed below. In addition, if you have shrubs over hanging in front of street signs please trim. We appreciate your concern and care in this matter.
Safety Notice >> http://codes.findlaw.com/tx/transportation-code/transp-sect-545-302.html
In front of a public or private driveway;
- Within 15 feet of a fire hydrant;
- Within 20 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection;
- Within 30 feet on the approach to a flashing signal, stop sign, yield sign or traffic-control signal located at the side of a roadway.
Veterinary Public Health (formerly called Harris County Animal Control) advises that “All dogs and cats must be kept under restraint while in the unincorporated areas of Harris County, Texas. The custodian of a dog or cat is not authorized to have, harbor or keep any unlicensed dog or cat, nor to allow any dog or cat to become a stray.”
When it is controlled by a line or leash not more than six (6) feet in length, if the line or leash is held by a human being, who is capable of controlling or governing the dog or cat in question.
- When it is within a fully enclosed vehicle.
- When it is on the premise of the custodian and the animal does not have access to sidewalk or street.”
While it may be nice to have your animal out in the yard while you work or play, it is against the law, unless the animal is properly restrained.
Let’s all help keep our community a safe and comfortable place for all our residents by being responsible pet owners. This will not only protect anyone who may be walking or bicycling in the area, but also the pet owner who could be held legally responsible or possibly sued for failing to properly restrain their pet. Please carry a bag when walking dogs and pick up your dog’s bowl movements and keep our community clean.
Sherri Carey is the Association’s Manager. The Association has a direct phone number for your convenience. The number is 281-391-7914 and will direct you to whomever in the management staff you wish to speak with; manager, administrative staff, accounting and the work order
department. Please allow the property manager, unless of urgent need, twenty four to forty eight hours to respond to your correspondence. When contacting the office or speaking with the answering service, please be sure to give your name, homeowner association, address and telephone number where the call can be returned. The management office is located at 722 Pin Oak Road, Katy, Texas 77494 and office hours are Monday through Friday 8 AM to 5 PM.
You may also contact your management team by visiting the High Sierra Management website at www.highsierramanagement.com and selecting “Online Requests.”
High Sierra Management will be performing the monthly deed restriction inspections and citing all violations of the governing documents. If you do not have the rules and regulations, you may download a copy from www.WestMemorial.org or contact the management company and request a copy. We are sure you are all eager to help maintain the property values and exterior appearance of our community and hope we can count on your continued support in this effort. As a reminder, West Memorial Civic Association is a deed restricted community and ALL CHANGES or ADDITIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF THE HOME must be approved by the Association prior to any work commencing. Requests for home improvements can be obtained through management.
The Board of Directors meetings are held monthly in the association clubhouse (by the pool) on the fourth Tuesday at 7 PM and all homeowners are welcome to attend. You may also email or call with any questions or concerns at any time. We thank you all in advance for your kind cooperation and continued help in making West Memorial a great place to live!
The West Memorial Civic Association Board of Directors
West Memorial has a new alert and notification system that works with email. The alerts are for emergency notifications, security alerts and messages from our constables. The notifications are for neighborhood events, meetings and issues.
To be a part of the system, you must request the service. If you are interested, open our website at www.westmemorial.org and locate the Sign-Up icon on the right side of the main page. Follow the instructions and you will receive all future alerts and notifications.
Anyone wishing to send an alert or notification should submit the message to westmemorial@westmemorial.org for approval, posting and transmission. Please direct any questions to harry@westmemorial.org.
Texas Pride Disposal is your trash collection provider. Each homeowner/resident is responsible for initiating service and remitting payment. Texas Pride Disposal statements are issued quarterly via US Mail. Trash service days are Wednesday and Saturday. Please have trash out at curb by 7 AM each pick up day. Heavy Trash and/or extra bags are picked up on both pick-up days, Wednesday and Saturday.
Ensuring the best recycle program for our customers takes time and effort on both sides. Please remove caps, liquids and food products from inside the containers. Please only use the recycle bins for recyclable materials, not as an extra trash container.
Our community park is located at 22415 Kingsland and is open to all West Memorial residents for outdoor activities. It has playground equipment and a large sheltered pavilion.
Soliciting is prohibited in West Memorial Subdivision. Please make sure you have a sign posted on your residence for no soliciting. If you are approached by a solicitor, please call the Constable’s office at 281-463-6666. Continue to call this number if you see suspicious person or vehicles.
Do not hesitate to call Harris County Animal Control at 281-999-3191, if you see animals that are roaming the neighborhood unleashed.
www.westmemorial.org is the address for West Memorial information on the internet. The web site contains pool information, Board member contacts and complete documentation of your deed restrictions. It also contains neighborhood information, including schools, security, recreation and local worship centers. Check it out, you might find something you have been looking for.
The purpose of Deed Restrictions in your neighborhood is to protect and enhance property values. They set guidelines for initial construction, perpetual maintenance and property use. As residents agree to abide by the majority view; the style and standards of a community are established and everyone benefits. For your information, restrictions are written by the developer before the first home is constructed and the Association is then charged with the on-going responsibility of enforcing them. They can be changed, but a very large percentage vote of homeowners is required to do so. Please let us know if you see a problem in the neighborhood.
West Memorial Civic Association's Board has approved the following:
A $250 reward to anyone providing information leading to the arrest and prosecution of person or persons vandalizing or destroying West Memorial Civic Association property.
If you are interested in renting the clubhouse, please call Brytnie Galeas at 281-391-7914. At the time your call is returned, the guidelines for renting and using the clubhouse will be provided. Be sure you allow yourself plenty of time to fulfill the requirements, such as hiring security officers. You will be provided with the names and phone numbers of the individuals to contact to make the necessary arrangements.
There is no smoking in the clubhouse.
- Residents must have all dues/assessments paid prior to booking the clubhouse.
- A certified check for all rental fees and deposits is required 30 days in advance.
- The security deposit will be returned within 30 days after the date of the event based on the condition the premises was left in.
- Renter is responsible for the conduct of all attendees.
- Police Officers are required at all functions of 50 or more attendees or at any event in which alcohol will be served. Arrangements and payment, for the officers, are to be made by the renter.
Your Association pays for streetlights from your annual dues, whether they work or not. If a light is out in your area, please call 713-207-2222 and report it. You may also report outages online at www.centerpointenergy.com/outage. Each light has a number on it. When reporting the out light, give the pole number and street location. We want all lights to work. A lighted area is a safer area.