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March News from Your HOA

March News from Your HOA

March 01 2022


The Falcon Ranch HOA invites everyone in the Community to attend our monthly meeting. It is held the fourth Tuesday of each month at our clubhouse located at the corner of Falcon Landing and Forest Canyon. The meetings starts at 6:30 PM. The Board members and our management company representative from Spectrum will be in attendance. Every resident will be given the opportunity to speak if you would like. Food will be served to all that attend. Look forward to seeing you at the meeting.

If you are unable to attend the meeting in person, you can join via Zoom. Please check our website, for details.


If you need assistance or know of a neighbor who may, please contact Mary Beth Jones at 630-699-8272 or Rudy Reyes at 713-598-2967.

Trash and Recycling is collected every Tuesday and Trash only on Friday. Please remember, to bring in your Trash cans the evening of Pick Up. This is an easy way to make our Community look fresh and appealing.

If you mow your lawn after trash has been picked up, please keep the bag of grass clippings in your garage until Trash Pickup Day. Again, an easy way to improve the appearance of our Community.

If you must park on the street, please make sure you are not parked directly behind a resident’s driveway. This makes it very difficult for the home owner to back out of their driveways.

Please do not park near the end of a block as this deters traffic flow. It is also a safety issue with Children coming home from school and getting off the bus.

Limit parking to one side of the street. Parking on both sides causes issues with traffic flow for normal size vehicles not to mention Emergency vehicles such as Ambulances and Fire Trucks.


Below is an overview of the Falcon Ranch Deeds and Restrictions. Please go to the Link to see the entire document and details.

Each owner shall maintain and keep in good repair his or her dwelling. All structures that are painted must be kept painted and the paint may not be allowed to become faded, cracked, flaked or damaged in any manner.

Grass, vegetation and weeds on each Home site shall be cut as often as it is necessary to maintain a neat and attractive condition. Grass growing onto or over sidewalks, driveways and curbs shall be deemed unattractive.

If an Owner of a Home site fails to maintain the landscaping, grass or vegetation of a Home site in a manner consistent with the overall standard established in the Deeds and Restrictions of the Association, 10 days after being notified of the violation, if no action is taken the issue will be escalated to a Force Mow Status.

No resident of the Property in Falcon Ranch shall permit the keeping of articles, goods, materials, refuse, trash or garbage containers, exposed to public view or exposed to view from adjacent Home sites.

Trash may only be placed outside for collection the evening before collection. Such trash must be contained to protect from animals or spillage. Trash cans must be removed from sight the same evening of collection.

No animals, livestock (including swine and of any kind) or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred or kept on any portion of the Property except dogs cats or other usual and common household pets, NOT TO EXCEED A TOTAL OF TWO (2) PETS may be permitted. No pet is permitted to make objectionable noise that constitutes a nuisance or inconvenience to the owners of other Dwellings.

No portion of the Property shall be used for the storage of anything that will cause it to appear to be in an unclean or untidy condition or that will be obnoxious to the eye; nor shall any substance, thing, animal or material be kept upon any portion of the Property that will emit foul or obnoxious odors or that will cause any noise or other condition that will or might disturb the peace, quiet, safety, comfort or serenity of the occupants of surrounding, recreational Sites or Common Areas.
It will be the responsibility of each Owner to prevent the development of any unclean, unhealthy, unsightly or unkempt condition on his or her Home site.

Home sites within Falcon Ranch shall be used exclusively for single-family residential purposes. No Home site shall be occupied by more than a single nuclear family.

No Business or Business Activity is permitted in or on any Home site within Falcon Ranch unless the Business Activity is “not apparent or detectable by sight, sound or smell from outside the Dwelling. The business cannot constitute a nuisance or a hazardous or offensive use or threaten the security or safety of other residents.

No business vehicles displaying commercial signs or advertising shall be permitted to be parked within public view in Falcon Ranch. No vehicles with more than two axles shall be permitted to be parked or stored for a period in excess of twenty-four hours in a residential section of Falcon Ranch.

No livestock, domestic or wild animals (this includes chickens) nor plants or crops shall be raised on any Home site or the Property for the purpose of breeding or selling.

No motor vehicles or non-motorized vehicle, boat, trailer, marine craft, recreational vehicle, camper rig off of truck, hovercraft, aircraft, machinery or equipment of any kind may be parked or stored on any part of any Home site, easement, right-of-way.

No vehicle shall be parked so as to obstruct or block a sidewalk or be parked on a grassy area. No more than three vehicles may be parked on the driveway of a Home site at any time.

No signs or emblems of any kind may be kept or placed upon any Lot or mounted, painted or attached to any Dwelling, fence or other improvement upon such Lot so as “to be visible from public view.

No more than one political sign erected on a Lot. The sign shall not be erected more than thirty days in advance of the election and must be removed within three (3) days after such election.

Holiday decorations can be put up 30 days prior to the Holiday and must be removed no more than 14 days after the Holiday.

Exterior antennas or satellite dishes cannot be visible from any street or common area. No satellite dishes shall be permitted which are larger than on (1) meter in diameter.



The Falcon Ranch Website has been updated with the latest information for the Falcon Ranch Community. You will find all of the latest Community Amenities Opening and Closure dates and times. Committee updates. Falcon Ranch Monthly Board Meeting information. Several ways to give us your feedback, suggestions for improvement or criticism about the Community. All

feedback goes directly to the Board Members and Spectrum Management. Please check it out and let us know what you think. We look forward to your feedback.

FACEBOOK >> Look for us on Facebook!


Mary Beth Jones, the Landscape Committee Chairperson for Falcon Ranch, is looking for volunteers to help on the Landscape Committee. You may contact her at 630-699-8272.


If you want to contact the Board, send an email to To contact the management company, call 281-343-9178 between 9 AM-5 PM.


Many new homeowners like to improve on the new home they purchase by adding a swimming pool, storage shed or other modifications. If you want to make an exterior change to your home, please fill out the application found on the Spectrum Website at The Association has a committee that reviews these applications and the committee has 30 days to respond.


Residents are invited to contribute to this local newsletter. Articles should be submitted to the Board (, no later than the 20th of the month BEFORE the newsletter is printed, which is the month before distribution.


Residents of Falcon Ranch could benefit the community, as well as their own lawns and pocketbooks, with one simple change in lawn maintenance.

If you or your lawn service currently bag grass clippings, simply leaving the clippings to work down into the lawn will make a huge difference in the amount of waste our community puts into the landfill each year. It will also help conserve water, because the clippings will work to maintain moisture in the soil. Both of these benefits will save money in the long-run. Moreover, it is estimated that lawns that are naturally fertilized with grass clippings require 25% less fertilizer - resulting in even more savings to you!

Grass clippings and finely chopped leaves add vital nutrients and organic matter to the lawn, thus improving the health of the lawn. It isn’t necessary to use a mulching mower; just mow one inch when grass reaches four inches tall. The clippings won’t be noticed and will break down within a week.


You may have noticed the constables patrolling our neighborhoods, working to keep our community safer for everyone. The appearance of constables has raised a question of what to do if you witness suspicious activity. If you see something happening that is an emergency, please call 911. If you see suspicious activities that are not emergencies, call the Fort Bend County Sheriff's Office at 281-341-4665.


Do your duty as a pet owner! When you take your dog for a walk around the community or to the park, please be courteous to the surrounding neighbors and pick up behind your pet and keep unwanted dog waste from becoming a threat and a nuisance to the safety and enjoyment for all members of the community.


Contact CenterPoint Energy for repair of streetlights that are not working at: 713-207-2222 by phone, 713-207-9760 by fax, or by internet. Remember to obtain the 6-digit pole number along with the closest physical address to the street light that is not working. This will cut down on the time for CenterPoint to locate and repair the pole.

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