March News from Your HOA
March 12, 2022, 9 AM-12 PM
Fort Bend Master Gardeners Spring Vegetable-Herb Plant Sale
The CRPA LC members are:
Pam Stewart (Chair), Tabitha Floyd (Vice-Chair), Edwin Guidroz (Secretary) and at-large LC members Mike Price, Phyllis Rose and Roy Sandoval. The CRPA Landscape Manager (LM) is Charlie Norton, an employee of Property Management Group (PMG), our management company.
The LC meets monthly, via video conference, on the first Thursday of each month at 9 AM. All Cinco Ranch residents are welcome and encouraged to attend our meetings and share their comments, questions or concerns. The LC currently has one vacant position and if you would like to volunteer, contact us at landscapecommittee@cincoranch.life.
You can also contact us online by logging into cincoranch.life, create an account by clicking on TownSq and register. You can view your account, submit comments, questions or concerns, requests for modification, view CRPA documents, upcoming events and a number of other functions on TownSq.
The LC was authorized by the CRPA Board of Directors (BOD) in May of 2021. The purpose of this Committee is to serve at the will of the BOD on all matters pertaining to landscaping of the CRPA common residential areas. The LC is responsible for review and evaluation of all landscaping managed and maintained by the CRPA. The LC provides recommendations and alternatives to the BOD concerning the maintenance and long-range planning of CRPA landscaping. The LC coordinates with Charlie Norton (LM), to provide recommendations to the BOD concerning landscape maintenance and management of the common residential areas and each neighborhood entrance. The LC also assists the LC Chair in her duties in whatever capacity that may be. We also interface with the Cinco Landscape Management Association (CLMA).
The LC also provides guidance and support to the CRPA for landscaping related issues. This includes, the Approved Plant and Tree Lists, irrigation, conditions of landscaping throughout the community, the removal, addition or replacement of plants or trees and monitoring of landscape projects. The LC will provide monthly updates to residents in this magazine and through TownSq pertaining to any landscape issues in Cinco Ranch.
In addition, Phyllis Rose has Master Gardener training and is currently training to be certified as a Master Gardener. In future editions she will be providing gardening tips for our homeowners. You will also be able to ask her questions pertaining to gardening and she will provide answers to your questions in TownSq.
Thank you on behalf of the Landscape Committee.
Do you have any free time on your hands? If so, many of our Cinco Ranch HOA Committees need you! It is an opportunity for you to make new friends, meet more of your neighbors, learn more about our neighborhoods and be of service to our Community.
Cinco has a number of Committees looking for volunteers for a variety of reasons but primarily because a number of our valued volunteers moved out of Cinco or their lives became too busy and had not time left to commit volunteering.
Communications and Technology
- Community Events
- Covenants Advisory
- Finance
- Gated Community
- Government Relations
- Landscape
- Modifications
- Parks and Recreation
- Strategic Planning
- NRC - Neighborhood Representatives
In upcoming issues of Cinco Spirit, we will be describing what each of the Committees do.
For more information on how to become a Cinco Volunteer, please email Management@cincoranch.life or call our CRPA office at 281-599-0408. You may also log into cincoranch.life and create an account by clicking on TownSq. and register, if you haven’t already done so. In addition to reaching out to our CRPA Management, you can view your Cinco account, submit comments, questions or concerns, requests for modifications of your home, view CRPA documents, upcoming events and a number of other functions.
We look forward to meeting you!
Did you know Willow Fork Park has a butterfly garden? It opened in 2019 and has been certified and registered by Monarch Watch as an official Monarch Waystation, providing milkweeds, nectar sources and shelter needed to sustain Monarch butterflies as they migrate through North America.
The Park is located at the northwest corner of SH99/Grand Parkway and Cinco Ranch Blvd., north of Cinco Ranch High School and is open during daylight hours, with the pavilion available on a first-come, first-served basis. There website is www.willowforkdrainagedistrict.com/parks-trails/willow-fork-park.
- Failure to include a copy of the homeowner’s lot survey showing your home before the modification(s) is started and a separate lot survey showing the exact placement of the proposed modification.
- Failure to mark on the survey exactly where the modification intends to occur or be located. The Modification Committee must confirm you are not building anything in an easement or, if your modification request encroaches on the utility easements, you have obtained the necessary approval letters from the various utilities. (You can call 811 and have someone come out to mark where the gas lines, electrical lines and any other utility or pipeline is located.)
- Not being specific about the location for the modification request or replacing something and not being specific what the replacement is. For example, you want to remove a tree and replace it with another tree. Stating “it will be replaced with a tree from the approved tree list” is not sufficient. You must identify the type of tree you intend to place the tree with. Another example: We are installing a basketball goal and it will either go on the right side of the driveway in “x” spot or on the left side of the driveway in “y” spot. You must be specific or risk your modification request denied.
- Failure to include pictures of your home showing the area you are planning to modify. For instance, you want to replace your front door. The Modification Committee must see what your current front door looks like. The Committee also needs to see a photograph of your home to determine if the modification request is harmonious with your home, the neighborhood and Cinco Ranch.
- Failure to provide a through description of the product you intend to use. For example, you want to install a basketball goal. The Modification Committee needs to verify it complies with Cinco’s Residential Design Guidelines and Architectural Guidelines and Supplemental Architectural Modification Guidelines. The Committee is required to review the measurements, the color, what it is made of, etc. (See pages 16-17 of the Cinco Architectural Modification Guidelines, effective 2020).
- Failure to submit paint samples or the brand of paint and the color name for the paint currently on your home or, if you are changing color, the information for the new color if you are painting the outside of your home or your windows. Again, the Modification Committee must confirm the new color will be harmonious. (See page 11 of the Cinco Residential Architectural Modification Guidelines, effective August 2020).
- Failure to review the guidelines for pools. Pop-up drains are not permitted. Also, construction access via Association Property is strictly prohibited. (See pages 13 -15 of the Cinco Residential Architectural Modification Guidelines, effective August 2020. Also, see page 15 of the Residential Design Guidelines, effective 2004)
- Failure to review the guidelines for Gazebos, Arbors, Pergolas and Covered Patios. Metal or Poly roofs are NOT permitted. PVC coated wood products are also NOT permitted. (See pages 17-19 of the Cinco Residential Architectural Modification Guidelines, effective August 2020.)
- Failure to verify children’s play structures meet Cinco’s guidelines. (See page 15 of the Cinco Residential Architectural Modification Guidelines, effective August 2020.)
As a general rule, if you are doing ANYTHING on the OUTSIDE of your home, whether it is the front side or back of you home, such as painting (even if you are painting it the same color), replacing the roof, replacing or removing a tree, adding an addition to your home, building an outdoor kitchen, installing a pool, replacing a fence, etc., you must first file a modification request AND obtain approval PRIOR to you starting your project and making any changes.
Remember, starting a modification before obtaining approval could result in a maximum fine up to $5,000 AND a Cease and Desist Order. Changing what you are doing after you receive an approved request is the same as starting a modification without first obtaining approval. The Association MAY require site inspections for modification compliance.
The Modification Committee wants to approve all modification requests, but is unable to do so when the homeowner fails to provide the information requested on the Modification Request Form or the proposed modification does not meet Cinco Ranch’s Guidelines Typically, this is due to either the homeowner not reading or understanding Cinco’s Guidelines. The Committee members who review your modification requests have a fiduciary duty to enforce the Cinco Guidelines as they are the “laws” that govern are community.
The Guidelines can be found at www.cincoranch.life under the Information tab and then look under Home Improvements.
Please help the Modification Committee help you to obtain approval of your request so that your project may be started and completed in the time frame you had hoped for.
If in doubt, please contact the Cinco Management Office at 281-599-0408 to confirm if you are required to file a Modification Request for your project. It is best to know up front than learning after the fact that you may have to put it back to the way it was or be required to re-do it.
The Cinco Management Office located at 3022 Windemere Park Lane; three (3) blocks north of Cinco Ranch Blvd, on Westheimer Parkway, offers free notary services for Cinco residents, Monday-Friday during office hours. It is best to call first to confirm the notary is in the office at the time you wish to go there. The phone number for the Management Office is 281-599-0408.
Vanish Document Shredding, located at 4846 Cranswick Rd. (near Blalock Rd & Katy Freeway &Hempstead Rd.), will shred boxes of paper for free on Wednesdays and Fridays from 3-5 PM. DROP OFF ONLY-NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY. Vanish also do free drop off shredding for large commercial 50+ boxes by appointment. They prefer you take your boxes back with you instead of leaving the empty boxes. A tip for the person shredding your documents is greatly appreciated. They did unload the eight (8) boxes from my vehicle when I used them. There was a short line waiting to enter inside the fence to unload the boxes when I went. (Pam Stewart) Vanish’s phone number is 713-682-6474.
Cinco Ranch has joined Town Square! This portal allows our residents to view their account, message the HOA team directly, submit their applications online and so much more.
In order to sign up with Town Square, our homeowners will need to know their account numbers. To get your account number, please go to our website at www.cincoranch.life then click on “Contact Us” on the top right corner of the screen. In the following page, select to send the message to the Management Team from the drop-down menu and enter in the rest of your contact information in the following boxes. In the final box, “How can we assist you?” please let us know you need your account number.
Our office will respond in the order the requests are received by the end of the following business day.
We appreciate our residents and staff working together to maintain property values and comply with our Governing documents. We have a beautiful community, because every homeowner understands it is their responsibility to maintain their home.
- Roof Replacement
- Wood Fencing
- Paint Exterior - same as existing
- Gutters Replacement • Solar Panels
- Window Replacement
If you are going on holiday, vacation, a business trip or just going away for the weekend, please put your house on a vacation watch list. It only takes a few minutes to inform local police that you are away from home.
For more information, visit the websites below.
Fort Bend County Residents: www.fortbendcountytx.gov/index.aspx?page=815
Harris County Residents: www.harriscountytx.gov/CmpDocuments/32/Forms/c5vacation_watch_non_editable.pdf
Make sure to cancel the watch when you return home.
Save 5 to 10% on your homeowners insurance (depending on your insurance carrier). Get simple suggestions on how to better secure your home.
Call the Harris County Precinct 5 Constable’s Office at 281-463-6666 and ask for Sergeant Mitch Hutter.
Animals that are not properly restrained pose a threat to all our residents. While you may know your pet is friendly, an animal running at someone who is walking by is very scary for that person. Many children are afraid of animals and become frightened, which could result in the child getting hurt trying to avoid the animal.
Harris County Animal Control advises, “All dogs and cats must be kept under restraint while in the unincorporated areas of Harris County, Texas. The custodian of a dog or cat is not authorized to have, harbor or keep any unlicensed dog or cat or to allow any dog or cat to become a stray.”
Restraint is defined as “the control of a dog or cat under the following circumstances:
- When it is controlled by a line or leash not more than six (6) feet in length, if the line or leash is held by a human being, who is capable of controlling or governing the dog or cat in question.
- When it is within a fully enclosed vehicle.
- When it is on the premise of the custodian and the animal does not have access to sidewalk or street.
While it may be nice to have your animal out in the yard while you work or play, it is against the law, unless the animal is properly restrained.
Let’s all help keep our community a safe and comfortable place for all our residents by being responsible pet owners. This will not only protect anyone who may be walking or bicycling in the area, but also the pet owner who could be held legally responsible or possibly sued for failing to properly restrain their pet.
To make a complaint or report an animal that is not properly restrained please contact:
Harris County Animal Control: 281-999-3191
Laws written to ensure that owned animals are confined to their property or kept on a leash make freeing a community of unrestrained and free-roaming animals easier. Although most dog bites occur on the property where the dog lives, unrestrained or free-roaming dogs do pose a substantial threat to the public. In addition, unrestrained animals are at increased risk of being bitten by rabies-infected wildlife. Enforcement of restraint laws is essential in enhancing the animal control program efforts to reduce the risk of rabies in our community.
Ensures that rabies vaccination are current
- Allows for quick identification in case of a bite incident
- Provides revenue to offset the administration costs of the animal control program
Rabies vaccinations are a prerequisite for licensing dogs and cats because they are an important control measure for the public health threat of rabies. In addition to protecting pets, rabies vaccinations provide a barrier between infected wild animals and humans.
To make a complaint or report an animal that is not properly restrained please contact:
To report Postal Boxes that are in disrepair or in need of replacement, please file a report with the Katy Post Office for your Zip Code area (77450 >> 281-647-0673; 77494 >> 281-574-1401) or visit their website at www.usps.com/contactus.
Just one quart of motor oil can ruin the quality of 250,000 gallons of water. Decomposing leaves and grass clippings can cause large amounts of algae to grow which depletes the oxygen level in the water and can lead to fish kills.
The blowing, sweeping or dumping of grass clippings and other pollutants down the storm drain is against Texas State Law punishable by a fine of $5,000 for each offense.
The Cinco Ranch Ladies Club (CRLC) is a 501(c)4 providing residents in Katy and surrounding cities with activities, both social and charitable. We designate charities each year as recipients for our fundraising events. We typically meet each month as an entire club at The Golf Club at Falcon Point at 7 PM to partake in themed events such as a Chili Cook Off, Halloween Party, Craft Fairs, Silent Auction, Line Dancing, Self--Defense Class, Favorite Things Exchange and Luau.
We also offer about 22 sub-clubs that each meet once a month on a small scale in residents homes, businesses, restaurants and walking trails. Generally annual dues are $40 for all the social and charitable fun, but annual dues are waived for the 2020-2021 year, due to Covid.
Instagram: www.instagram.com/cincoranchladiesclub
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CincoRanchLadiesClub
Website: www.CincoRanchLadiesClub.org
Marketing Board Member Holly Heath cincoranchladiesclub@gmail.com
Whether you are new to the neighborhood or have lived in Cinco Ranch for years, consider getting involved and adding to your network of friends and families! Playgroups are organized by age and there are also pool playdates and group events open to all. To get involved, visit: https://sites.google.com/site/cincoranchmomsclub or email: cincoranchmomsclub@gmail.com.