Local Harris County Public Libraries
As of January 10, 2022, the Harris County Covid-19 Threat Level has increased to Level 1 RED. Level one means outbreaks of Covid-19 are severe and uncontrolled. HCPL branches will remain open but will limit visitors and staff to 25% of building capacity.
Libraries will limit the number of patrons to 25% of buildings' maximum capacity.
- Masks are required to enter all Harris County facilities. If you do not have a mask, the library will provide one free of charge.
- Social distancing is recommended.
- HCPL staff will continue to wear face coverings and practice social distancing.
- Curbside Pick-Up is available
- Most library programs and events will be available online. Some outdoor events will be offered at branches with appropriate spaces for programs.
- Meeting rooms are available for reservation, but attendance is limited to 25% of room capacity.
- As the threat level improves, libraries will increase capacity and available services.
Harris County Public Library is following state and county guidelines and will adjust policies accordingly as they are updated.
Physical collections (books, movies, etc.) are available to browse and check out
- Printing services: in-library, and mobile are available
- Computer access
- Self-checkout machines
- Curbside Holds Pick-up
- Public Access Catalogs
- Document scanners
- Wi-Fi access
Location: 16719 Clay Road, Houston, TX 77084
Hours: Monday - 1 PM - 8 PM, Tuesday/Thursday - 10 AM - 6 PM, Wednesday -10 AM - 8 PM, Friday - 1 PM - 6 PM, Saturday - 10 AM - 5 PM.
KARAOKE AT CLAY’S RESTAURANT: 1st Friday of each month, 7-8:30 PM. Join us for another evening of fun as we get a little musical at Clay’s Restaurant, located at 17717 Clay Rd. All ages are welcome to attend!
MONDAY NIGHT MAKERS: 1st Monday of each month, 6-7:30 PM. Come to our New Monday Night Makers. Meet new people, show and tell what you're currently working on or bring your completed work. We will be in the meeting room.
TEEN ADVISORY GROUP: 1st Wednesday of every month, 6 PM, library meeting room. All persons in 6th-12th grade are welcome to join. You must fill out a Teen Volunteer Interest Form prior to attending. Members of TAG will work together to plan and execute teen programming and other special tasks. They will receive volunteer hours and gain valuable leadership experience through this program.
POKEÌMON CLUB AT CLAY’S RESTAURANT: 1st Thursday of the month, 5 PM. All school age children are invited to come and bring their PokeÌmon Cards or Nintendo DS for this event. We ask that parents remain at Clay’s for the duration of the program. We hope to see you there! Clay’s Restaurant is located at 17717 Clay Road, Houston, TX 77084.
GAME NIGHT AT CLAY’S RESTAURANT: 1st Thursday of the month, 6 PM, 17717 Clay Rd., Houston, TX 77084. Bring the whole family to play games with us at Clay’s Restaurant! We will have several board games to play or bring your own!
CONVERSATIONAL ESL: Thursdays, 1:30 PM. Join our free Conversational ESL class each week. Attendees will need to fill out an application. Everyone is welcome. Please join us!
SOCIAL CRAFTERS: Saturdays, 10 AM-12 PM. Join our new social crafting group! Are you working on a craft or fabric arts project now? Bring a project to the library and share your ideas with others. Or, just come to learn more about crafts you may want to try. All are welcome!
BOOKED FOR LUNCH CLUB: 12-1 PM. Join us for our New Monthly Book Club and a discussion at Clay’s Restaurant! The Booked for Lunch Club meets the second Monday of each month. Join us at: 17717 Clay Rd, Houston, TX 77084.
PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB: 3rd Monday, 6:30-7:30 PM. Improve your photography skills, participate in our fun monthly challenges, share your art with others and get inspired! Open to all levels of expertise!
BEAR CREEK HEALTH & WELLNESS CLUB: 2nd Tuesday, 1 PM. Come build with us a community of people committed to a healthier and happier life. We will be seeking this through group discussion and sharing information, ideas and personal experiences. This club is open to everyone & newcomers are always welcome.
LITERARY EXPLORERS BOOK CLUB: 1st Wednesday, 3 PM. Join us at the Library for our Book Club.
TEEN ANIME CLUB: 3rd Wednesday, 6 PM. Join us as we watch anime, eat Pocky and other fun snacks, make crafts and more. The film this week is rated PG-13 and additional details can be provided by contacting the library.
TEEN VIDEO GAME NIGHT: 4th Monday, 6-7 PM. Game night is for students in grades 6-12. Drop in and play, no experience needed. For more information regarding teen programming, please call the library.
SAVVY STITCHERS: Thursdays, 3:30 PM. The Savvy Stitchers is a place to share ideas for different crafts such as knitting and crochet! Don’t miss out on the weekly fun! Make sure to bring your needles and yarn. All ages welcome.
LILY’S LIBRARY TALES: Every Saturday at 11 AM. Come to the library for a family friendly storytime with Lily, a certified therapy dog! This library program is in partnership with Tender Loving K-9s. All ages welcome.
BOOK BUDDIES: Mondays, 4-6 PM. HCPL’s Book Buddies program pairs trained volunteers (Big Buddies) with children, Kindergarten - 3rd grades, (Little Buddies). For 10 weeks, the Buddies meet once a week for 45 minutes of shared reading.
PRESCHOOL PICASSOS: 1st Friday, 1:30-2:15 PM. Art projects for children ages 3-6 years old. Painting can get a little messy, so come prepared! In order to ensure the safety of or youngest patrons, this is a ticketed program. Free tickets are available 30 minutes before the program starts. First come, first served.
PRESCHOOL STORYTIME: Tuesdays at 10:30 AM. Early literacy program with stories, songs, finger plays and the occasional craft geared towards preschoolers aged 3-6 yrs old. In order to ensure the safety of our youngest patrons, this is a ticketed program. Free tickets are available on the morning of the program. First come, first served.
SUNSHINE BABYTIME: Wednesdays, at 10:30 AM. Sunshine Babytime is an early literacy program for the children ages birth to 18 months. Please join us as we share literacy tips, stories, songs, fingerplays, bubbles and books. In order to ensure the safety of our youngest patrons this is a ticketed program. Free ticket available on the morning of the program in the library.
TODDLER TIME: Thursdays, at 10:30 AM. Toddler Time is an early literacy program for children ages 18 months to 3 years of age. Please join us as we share literacy tips, stories, songs and fingerplays. In order to ensure the safety of our youngest patrons this is a ticketed program. Free tickets are available on the morning of the program in the library.
All programs are free and open to the public. For more information call 281-550-0885 or log on to www.hcpl.net.
(All Adults activities are 18+)
HISTORY MYSTERY FICTION BOOK CLUB: 3rd Monday at 2 PM. Enjoy reading and discussing the many wonderful works of Historical & Mystery Fiction that are on the market today. Learn about the authors, the stories and discuss the ideas presented in the books.
COMPUTER CLASS: Tuesdays at 10 AM. These computer classes are designed for adults with a specific topic every week. The classes are an excellent opportunity to learn more about computers in a relaxed environment filled with smiles and laughter. All classes are free and open to the public.
YOGA: Wednesdays at 6 PM. Come and get fit with Yoga. Very good group that are excited with what they dot. Be apart and bring your own mat. See you at Yoga!
CREATIVE ART CLUB: Wednesdays at 1:30 PM. Like art of all kind? Come and join in with your creative ability. Sketching, painting, drawing, coloring, including Zentangle. No talent needed. Instructor: Judy Stevens
SIT AND STITCH: Thursdays at 10 AM. Are you crafty? Come and join us for Sit & Stitch - bring knitting, crochet, cross-stitch or other projects!
SWEET INSPIRATION BOOK CLUB: 3RD Thursday at 2 PM. Enjoy reading and discussing Christian Authors book. These books will have your heart singing. Come and enjoy!
QUILTING BEE: Tuesdays, 1 PM. Adults18+ Be at the Bee! The Library Quilting Bee that is... Bring your projects, machines, looms, material stash, etc. and quilt ‘til you wilt!
GAME DAY FRENZY: Ages 12+. Wednesdays at 4 PM. Hey Gamers! Come challenge your friends and show off those gamer skills!
PRESCHOOL STORY TIME: For children ages 3-6 - Tuesdays at 10:30 AM. Children’s Librarian will read stories, lead everyone in song and direct the making of a craft project.
BABY GIGGLE: For non-walking children ages 0-11 months - Wednesdays at 1 PM. Children’s Librarian will read a simple story, lead everyone through the performance of nursery rhymes and songs and encourage interaction between caregivers and babies through the use of educational toys.
BABY WIGGLES: For children ages 12-18 months - Wednesdays at 2 PM. Children’s Librarian will read a simple story, lead everyone through the performance of nursery rhymes and songs and encourage interaction between caregivers and babies through the use of educational toys.
TODDLER STORY TIME: For children ages 18-36 months - Thursdays at 10:30 AM. Children’s Librarian will read stories, lead everyone in song and direct the making of a craft project for this younger set.
Children’s programs require a free ticket for admission. Tickets will be distributed beginning 30 minutes before the program begins. All programs are free and open to the public.
Location: 9191 Barker Cypress Road, Cypress, TX 77433
Phone: 281-290-3210
Hours: Monday through Thursday, 7 AM-10 PM, Friday-Saturday, 8 AM-6 PM and Sunday, 1 PM-6 PM.
COMPUTER WORKSHOPS: LRNC 105, call for info.
eMedia Appointments now available. Make an appointment at https://cflibguides.lonestar.edu/events/adults/emedia.
TALK TIME: Visit our website to tune into a Talk Time at https://lonestar.webex.com/wbxmjs/joinservice/sites/lonestar/meeting/download/ba345fba75264e669e6a5081cbf31a2a?siteurl=lonestar&MTID=me43462d0776267ac4a48a7a1f8b22722. Mondays, 1-2 PM, LRNC 215 / Tuesdays, 2:45-3:45 PM, LRC 215.
SPANISH CONVERSATION CLUB: Mondays, 1-3 PM, LRNC 131 / Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM, LRNC 118
See the full schedule of Adult Programs and Activities at https://cflibguides.lonestar.edu/events/adults or call 281-290-3214 or 281-290-3218 .
Note: All programs are subject to change. Please contact the library or visit the website for up-to-date information.
TEEN EVENTS & PROGRAMS (Registration required)
TEEN HYBRID BOOK CLUB: 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6:30 PM, in person and online.
See the full schedule of Teen's Programs and Activities athttps://cflibguides.lonestar.edu/events/teens.
BABY TIME: Stories, songs, and rhymes with Miss Krissy online! Ages 0–2 years old. Video archive available on YouTube.
BABY BOOGIE: Join Ms. Missy online for an evening of stories, songs and movement. Ages 0-2 years old. Coming Spring 2022!
TODDLER TIME: Join Ms. Missy online for stories, songs and movement. Ages 0-2 years old. Pre-recorded & released on Facebook & YouTube. Facebook playlist of past episodes can be found HERE.
PRESCHOOL TIME: Join Ms. Missy online every Wednesday at 10: 30 AM for stories, songs and movement. Ages 3-6 years old. Videos posted to YouTube, unless otherwise noted.
HORA DE CUENTOS EN ESPAÑOL: Join Ms. Anna online every Thursday at 10: 30 AM for stories, songs and movement. Ages 2-6 years old. Videos posted to YouTube, unless otherwise noted.
FUN WITH FAMILY: Join Ms. Usha online through recorded videos for stories, songs and finger plays. Videos can be found on Facebook & YouTube.
SPIN ME A TALE ONLINE: Check out our playlist of exciting tales on YouTube!
SATURDAY CATURDAY STORY TIME: View previous videos of this creative, fun segment held on Saturdays online at https://cflibguides.lonestar.edu/c.php?g=1045241&p=7583810.
See the full schedule of Children’s Programs and Activities at https://cflibguides.lonestar.edu/events/children. All programs are free and open to the public.
Phone: 832-559-4200
Hours: Monday through Thursday, 8 AM-9 PM, Friday 8 AM-6 PM, Saturday, 10 AM-5 PM and Sunday, closed.
Baby Bookworms: Mondays, 9:30 AM. Story time for babies who are walking independently (up to 18 months). Story time includes, age appropriate stories, songs, activities and playtime. Come enjoy time with your baby and other parents.
Toddler Time: Tuesdays, 10:30 AM and Wednesdays, 9:30 AM. Come to the library and enjoy age appropriate books, songs, fingerplays, fine motor activities, parachute play and play time. Recommended for ages 18 months-3 years. FREE tickets for 30 participants and their parents are available at the Children’s Reference desk 30 minutes prior to the start time.
Preschool Story Time: Wednesdays and Thursdays, 10:30 AM for kids ages 3-5 years. Tickets handed out to participating children 30 minutes prior at the Children's Desk.
Teen Anime Club: Teens who love to watch anime, read and draw manga and have an interest in cosplay are all welcome to attend our monthly anime meetings. We meet the first Tuesday from 4:30-5:30 pm to draw, read, watch, and discuss all things anime and manga!
Teen Saturday Free Space: Join us every Saturday to....to what? To do whatever you want! We’ll have games, activities, and craft supplies, so stop by and hang with us for a while.
To view more Teen events and programs, click here.
ESL Discussion Group: Mondays, 10-11 AM and Wednesdays, 12-1 PM. We now have two ESL Discussion Groups per week. No registration needed, come to all that your schedule allows! Ask a librarian about signing up for our free classes with a trained ESL tutor.
Watercolor Group: Tuesdays, 9 AM-12 PM. If possible, please bring your own supplies.
Maker Block: Tuesdays, 3-6 PM, Wednesdays, 5-8 PM. Maker Block is a block of time where we open up our lab and maker equipment for you to come in and see. We’ll demo 3D printing and some of our other maker items. Drop in and explore.
Sit and Stitch: Thursdays, 10 AM. Please join our Sit and Stitch group to share needlework and conversation every Thursday in the 1st floor meeting room.
Happily Ever Crafter: Every second Friday of the month, 11 AM in L129. Show your creative side and get your craft on. Materials provided. Registration required.
Paranormal Book Club: Second Monday of the month, 6:30 PM. Discusses paranormal fiction. Meets in L212 See a librarian for this month’s title.
Afternoon Book Club: Second Tuesday of the month, 2 PM. Discusses literary fiction. Meets in L212. See a librarian for this month’s title.
Inspirational Book Club: Second Thursday of the month, 7 PM. Discusses inspirational fiction. Meets in L212. See a librarian for this month’s title.
Homeschool Book Club: Third Monday of the month, 1 PM. Join us to talk about our next book club selection. Copies of the book and eBook are available for checkout from the library. Open to teens 12-18. Registration is not required.
Mystery Book Club: Fourth Thursday of the month, 1 PM. Discusses mysteries. Meets in L212. See a librarian for this month’s title.
After Austen Book Club: Last Monday of the month, 7 PM. Discusses literary and period romance. Meets in L212. See a librarian for this month’s title.
Registration for all programs is free - go to HCPL.net and click on the orange square that says “Events,” or call us at 832-559-4200.