Katy ISD Announces Secondary Gifted and Talented Screening
If parents would like to refer their child for secondary GT screening, they must complete a Secondary Parent Checklist and return it to their child’s elementary campus by September 21, 2022. Checklists can be obtained from the student’s school or the Katy ISD GT and Advanced Academics website. Secondary gifted program options are available in English, reading, mathematics, science and social studies.
“Students may be screened at their current campus in October and November in any or all content areas,” said Katy ISD Director of GT and Advanced Academics Joan Otten. “Parents will be notified of the placement decision in January 2023,” added Otten.
Students who qualify for the GT program will begin the program in the fall of their sixth-grade year. Interested parents should contact the Challenge teacher at their child’s elementary school if they have additional questions.