July 2023 Cypress Mill HOA Board Meeting Minutes Now Available
The Board of Directors meeting of the Cypress Mill Homeowners Association Inc. was at the Cypress Mill Recreation Center, 14710 Mills Park Lane, Cypress, Texas.
Board members in attendance; were Larry Turner, Michael Williams, Stephen Howard, Julian Becerra, and Larry Ramirez.
Management: Rose Rodriguez covering manager. Angela Rivera was absent.
Call to Order / Quorum
With a quorum duly established, President Larry Turner called the Cypress Mill Board of Directors meeting to order at 6:01 PM. An Invocation; made by Larry Ramirez.
Summary of Executing Meeting
The president announced previous meeting minutes are available on the community app TownSq.
Constable Report
Lt. Whiteley reported July’s status report.
Approval of Minutes
Motion to accept the meeting minutes for June 28th. Stephen Howard made the motion, Julian Becerra second the motion. Motion carried.
Financial and Management Reports
Rose Rodriguez presented June’s financials and the Delinquency Status Report.
New|Old Business
- President Turner informed the membership that the insurance claim was paid, and work will start on the repairs.
- Cy-Fair Credit Union approved line of credit for the playgrounds. Playground were discussed also cost and will be completed in phases starting August 8th or 9th.
- New landscape company was hired, and they also maintain the MUD areas.
Homeowner Forum
Homeowners present and discuss the following items:
- Slides for pools
- Loan
- Patrol and cost
- MUD meetings/ Request funding at meetings
- Detention pond / possible leak
- Delinquent accounts
President Larry Turner asked if there were any other questions from the membership, there were none. With no further business, the meeting; was adjourned at 6:52 PM.
The following items were discussed during the executive session. Motions were made, seconded, and passed unanimously to:
- 474-0531 An owner discussed their account. Noted action; will be taken.
- 235-3043 Owners discussed their ACC denial. Variance granted for one tree removal due to home location.
- Owner submitted questions to be addressed by the Board.
- Stephen Howard made the motion to accept the variance due to location of home in the cul de sac. Larry Turner second the motion. Motion carried. Deed restriction change will need to be present to the membership and attorney.
- Larry Ramirez motion for a one-time fee ( 48 mos.) for streetlights on Cypress Rose Hill. Stephen Howard second the motion. Motion carried.
- Discussion about the loan and down payment for the playground.
- Discussion about the lifeguard not on the stand.
With no further business to discuss, the Executive meeting adjourned at 7:34 PM.