January News from Your HOA
We need your help! We need volunteers who care about deed restrictions and curb appeal in Westgate to help us form our volunteer Westgate Architecture Review Committee. Texas law requires homeowners to hold these positions that help keep our property values up and our neighborhood looking nice. Please contact our manager Angela Bumann at Angela.bumann@inframark.com and the Westgate Board at board@westgatetx.net to inquire and help keep Westgate looking good.
The annual HOA Dues statement has been mailed to all homeowners. We put off raising dues for the last two years, but we couldn’t avoid it for this coming year, 2022: costs for everything have gone up, so we increased dues $25 to $660. Once again, we included four payment coupons to help residents avoid having to pay all at once right after Christmas.
If you anticipate not being able to pay your Westgate fees for 2022 on time, be sure to call Inframark (281-870-0585) to discuss getting on a payment plan before more fees are tacked on- from the attorney, etc. $660 can turn into $1000+ very quickly. Even if you don’t think you can pay all at once, you need to call Inframark to make payment arrangements; DON’T WAIT and cost yourself MORE money.
These dues help pay for landscaping, electricity, water, refurbishing and adding amenities and pool management, among other things. It helps Westgate continue to be a great community with stable or increasing property values. If you’d ever like details of how your dues are spent, you can always ask our management company. Also, go to our annual meeting and you will receive a copy of the financials.
In an effort to educate our residents, we’ll periodically highlight some deed restriction or other item that needs improvement in Westgate:
PARKING AND PROHIBITED VEHICLES: According to our Declarations of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Easements, pg. 12-13, cars etc. must be IN WORKING ORDER, have current stickers etc. and are in daily use. Vehicles like a “boat, trailer...recreational vehicle” cannot be stored on your lot unless it is concealed; a TEMPORARY permit can be issued for certain situations.
Regarding parking, vehicles MUST NOT “BLOCK A SIDEWALK.” Also, “NO MORE THAN THREE VEHICLES...may be parked on the driveway.”
Any repair work to vehicles that is visible to the street MUST BE COMPLETED WITHIN 12 HOURS AND NOT OCCUR ON A FREQUENT/REGULAR BASIS, so as to prevent disorderly and unkempt appearance in Westgate.
IMPORTANT NOTE: It’s been reported in some sections that residents are parking on BOTH sides of the street. While I understand the difficulties of where to park, parking on both sides of the street CREATES A DANGEROUS SITUATION. Emergency vehicles cannot pass through to save a life! PLEASE, when parking on the street, stagger your vehicles so they are NOT PARKED DIRECTLY ACROSS FROM ANOTHER VEHICLE on the other side of the street!
Following these instructions helps keep our neighborhood looking neat and thus keeps up our property values, as well as helping keep Westgate safe. Let’s be considerate of our neighbors!
COPIES OF ALL WESTGATE FOUNDING DOCUMENTS (including the ARC form) can be downloaded from the Westgate website www.westgatetx.net.
The WESTGATE WEBSITE, www.westgatetx.net
- The Westgate FACEBOOK page is Westgate’s official Social Media outlet for information (on Facebook, search for “WESTGATE SUBDIVISION Official” and you must sign up); you can find goodies like pictures of our events, HOA information, etc. www.facebook.com/groups/WestgateSubdivision/.
- Within a day or two, you will then be asked to verify your address, as it is a residents-only group. Look for this in your “messages” section and you may be asked to accept a message.
- Send questions to the WESTGATE HOA EMAIL, Board@westgatetx.net.
The printed newsletter only comes out once a month and information is a month old, so the other methods are used when something happens last minute and if you missed the newsletter. This new website is one of them, and we hope you find it helpful.
Westgate Subdivision falls within District 4 of the Harris County Sheriff’s Department. Suspicious behavior should be called in to the Non-Emergency/Dispatch number, general questions should be directed to the Patrol District Office and emergencies should always call 911.
Procedure When Filing a Report with the Sheriff’s Department
If you see a streetlight out, please report outages to CenterPoint Energy at 713-207-2222 or 800-332-7143; also at www.centerpointenergy.com. You will need the pole number, the black and white numbers listed vertically on the pole, to report the outage. This is something you can do to help keep your community safe. Otherwise, it may take a while for Centerpoint to notice it is out.