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January News from Your HOA

January News from Your HOA

January 03 2022


Monday through Friday: 9 AM-5 PM (Unless otherwise posted on the front door)

Closed January 3rd for New Year’s

Board of Directors

President - Charles Herring
Vice President - Mike Brahm
Treasurer - Michael Olsen
Secretary - William Pongrass
Director - Paul Schmidt

*The Board members will discuss 2022 Board positions at the January Board meeting.

2022 Maintenance Fees

The 2022 Maintenance Fee will be $375 and is due on January 1, 2022. Any account not paid before January 31, 2022 will incur a late fee of $35 on February 1st and a finance charge of 10% per month. Payment plans are available in the office. Plans will consist of 3 monthly payments. There is a $35 charge to get on a payment plan.

Late Fee Schedule for Unpaid Maintenance Fees
Accounts not paid before January 31, 2022 will incur an additional late fee of $35.
Accounts not paid before February 28, 2022 will incur an additional late fee of $35.
Accounts not paid before March 31, 2022 will incur an additional late fee of $50.
Accounts not paid before April 30, 2022 will incur an additional late fee of $50.
All unpaid fees after January 31, 2022 carry a finance charge of 10% per annum.
Accounts not paid by April 30, 2022 may be turned over for legal pursuit in which all costs are the responsibility of the delinquent owner. Legal fees can range from $150 to over $2,000.

MPCA Board Meeting

The Board of Directors meets in the Memorial Parkway Clubhouse (21600 Cimarron Parkway) on the first Tuesday of every month at 7 PM. The meeting is open to all members of the Association. The Board is only required by the State to have ONE meeting per year, but MP has always had monthly meetings so that they can be more accessible to the members that they serve. Our monthly Board meeting, will be Tuesday, January 4, 2022 at 7 PM.

Committee Volunteers

Your Memorial Parkway Community needs YOU! We need volunteers to offer their talents in a variety of roles to help support our HOA functions and activities. If you value the events and services that our HOA offers, please consider serving so that we may continue to serve our great community! We are looking for volunteers for the Architectural Control, Grounds, Security, Recreation and facility committees. If you would like to volunteer, please come to our meeting on Tuesday, January 4, 2022 at 7 PM to learn more about the needs of these committees.

Stay Connected

To find the latest news and information on upcoming events, documents, copies of Board minutes and to register for Memorial Parkway’s blog, please go to our web page

As another way to share communication, ideas and events in our neighborhood is to “like” us on Facebook.

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

We welcome communication from homeowners and residents. The MPCA Board of Directors are your neighbors and are available to answer questions. We love having comments and suggestion from everyone as we strive to make Memorial Parkway a great place to live. Please contact us at anytime via email at

Memorial Parkway Roadways

Please help us keep our streets clear. We are receiving many complaints from residents about cars being parked in the street with empty driveways. Please be considerate of your neighbors when parking your vehicles. Try to always park in your garage or on your driveway. If you can’t park in your garage because you have too much clutter, spend some time and clean out your garage! As a reminder, commercial vehicles are not allowed in Memorial Parkway subdivision.

Street Gutters & Drains

We ask that you keep the street area in front of your home clean, so that leaves, pine needles, grass clippings and dirt won’t accumulate in the gutters next to the curb and end up being washed into the drains causing them to back up and flood the streets. If you see someone putting grass clippings, oil or other debris down the drains, please contact the MUD District and the County at 281-463-6300. This includes lawn contractors that are blowing the leaves into the street instead of bagging them.

How to Report Backyard Nuisance

If you have a neighbor with a terrible backyard such as garbage dumping, unsanitary conditions, unsecured private swimming pools, etc., you can call Harris County Public Health and Environmental Services’ at 713-274-6300 to file a report.

Architectural Control Committee

All exterior changes to your property must be submitted to our committee for approval before you start any work. This includes, but is not limited to, painting, re-roofing, sheds, patio covers, fences, etc. All requests must be on our request form that can be found online at our website or at the office. Please give as much detail as possible, so there is no delay in getting your request reviewed. Except for painting and re-roofing, it would be best to include a plat of your property that shows property lines and easements in relation to the location of your project.

 Need Curb Repair??

Do you have a broken curb in front of your home... Did you know that Harris County Precinct 3 will come and fix it? It is as easy as going to their website and filling out the service request form. They will come and fix it for free (well, that is your tax dollars at work)! They will not fix the curved part that attaches to your driveway, that is the homeowner’s responsibility. You can go to and fill out the service request form if you have a broken curb that needs repaired.

Garage Sales

MPCA would like to suggest that garage sales be conducted the first Friday and Saturday of each month. This will eliminate the many signs that are out each week and also makes for a stronger turn out. Most area communities only allow sales twice a year. Memorial Parkway could be known for its “Once a Month” garage sales.

Do not attach your garage sale signs to the STOP signs, as it is against the law and the County can issue citations for this. If a sign is on a public right of way, like the esplanades), they may be subject to fines of $500-$1,000 per occurrence per day. We also ask that you do not post your signs on the property of another resident. When your sale is over, please go back and pick up all of your signs.

Clubhouse Rental

Clubhouse rental is subject to availability on a first come/ first serve basis. The clubhouse is only rented to Memorial Parkway adult residents (owner or renter) in good standing (maintenance fee current and not in violation of deed restrictions). Resident must show valid ID when renting facility and must be present during the entire time of rental. A rental fee of $50 is required at the time the reservation is made. Rental of the Clubhouse requires refundable deposit of $275.

  • Monday - Saturday, 8 AM - 4 PM: $50
  • Monday - Saturday, 5 PM - 1 AM: $50
  • Sunday, 1:30 PM - 1 AM: $50
  • All Day Rentals from 8 AM-1 AM: $100


The Memorial Parkway Clubhouse is available to non-profit adult and youth groups for meetings. The meeting times and days are: 3 PM, 5:30 PM, 6:45 PM and 7 PM on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday (some exceptions regarding times on Sunday). Reservations must be made at least 2 weeks prior to reservation date.

For additional details, contact the MPCA office at 281-492-2949. All groups who wish to use the Clubhouse must be comprised of no less than 80% of Memorial Parkway residents.

Trash Pick Up Information

If you pay your water bill to Harris County MUD #81: Collection days are Monday and Thursday for garbage and Thursday for recycling. Please secure all garbage in the 65-gallon black garbage cart with red lid and the green recycling cart provided by Best Trash. On collection days, please place the carts as close to the street as practicable, facing forward. For more information, please check out HC MUD #81 website at

If you pay your water bill to Memorial MUD: Collection days are Tuesday and Friday for garbage and Tuesday for recycling. For more information, please check out HC Memorial MUD website at

On collection days, make sure to set your trash receptacle out by 7 AM but no earlier than 6 PM the evening before. Trash receptacles/carts must be stored inside your garage or behind the fence line at all times. They must be stored out of public view by 8 AM the following morning. Please note that a deed restriction violation letter will be sent out for those who do not comply with this policy.


In recent deed restriction inspections, we have noticed a lot od damaged and uneven sidewalks. Sidewalks are the homeowner’s responsibility to keep in good repair.

A Note from the Constables

The Vacation Watch form is now available online on our website in the left column. From this page you can fill in the form and submit it. The submitted form will be emailed to dispatch for distribution.

There is lots of good information on Harris County Precinct 5 Constables’ office website. Residents are encouraged to check it out at

Reminder For Dog Walkers

Be a responsible/considerate pet owner by picking up your dog’s waste from your neighbor’s yard when you’re out for a walk. There’s nothing more frustrating than stepping in fecal matter in your own yard when you don’t even have a pet.


Animals that are not properly restrained pose a threat to all our residents. While you may know your pet is friendly, an animal running at someone who is walking by is very scary for that person. Many children are afraid of animals and become frightened, which could result in the child getting hurt trying to avoid the animal.

Harris County Animal Control advises, “All dogs and cats must be kept under restraint while in the unincorporated areas of Harris County, Texas. The custodian of a dog or cat is not authorized to have, harbor or keep any unlicensed dog or cat nor to allow any dog or cat to become a stray.”

Restraint is defined as “the control of a dog or cat under the following circumstances:
  1. When it is controlled by a line or leash not more than six (6) feet in length, if the line or leash is held by a human being who is capable of controlling or governing the dog or cat in question.
  2. When it is within a fully enclosed vehicle.
  3. When it is on the premise of the custodian and the animal does not have access to sidewalk or street.

While it may be nice to have your animal out in the yard while you work or play, it is against the law, unless the animal is properly restrained.

Let’s all help keep our community a safe and comfortable place for all our residents by being responsible pet owners. This will not only protect anyone who may be walking or bicycling in the area, but also the pet owner who could be held legally responsible or possibly sued for failing to properly restrain their pet.

Please remember that cats fall under the same laws as dogs and must be licensed and kept restrained when not on the premises of the owner. We’ve been told that spreading moth balls in flower beds might keep cats away.

To make a complaint or report an animal that is not properly restrained please contact:
Harris County Precinct #5, Contract #87: 281-463-6666 
Harris County Animal Control: 281-999-3191
Harris County Health Department, Rabies/Animal Control Section
2223 West Loop South, Houston, TX 77027-3588

  1. Contact your neighbor and work it out as good neighbors should.
  2. In the event that #1 is not possible, contact the Constables at 281-463-6666. It is our understanding that the Constables will investigate the barking dogs. In order to file a formal complaint you must be willing to give the officer your name, address and phone number for their records.
  1. Contact Harris County Animal Control at 281-999-3191 or 281-999-3194. A recorded message will guide you through the system.
  2. When reporting a loose animal you will be asked to give your name and address, a description of the animal and the address of the animal’s owner (if known).

Centerpoint Energy Street Light Out????

To report a burned out street light, you may contact CenterPoint Energy at 713-207-2222 or online at Please know the number that is on the pole and street address of the pole.

DISCLAIMER:  Ads posted on this subdivison page are paid advertisements and are in no way endorsed by the Memorial Parkway Community Association.

Find out more about Well Pet Center


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