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Holiday Safety Tips

Holiday Safety Tips

December 03 2021

Shopping in Stores

• Do not buy more than you can carry. Ask for assistance, if needed, to help you carry your purchases out to your car.

• Do not leave packages visible in your vehicle. Lock them in your truck or if possible take them home.

• Have your keys in your hand when approaching your vehicle. Check back seat and around your car before getting in.

• Don’t be distract by your cell phone.

• Deter pickpockets. Carry your purse close to your body or wallet inside a coat or front pant pocket.

• Tell security if you see an unattended package.

• Double check for your credit card or checkbook after your make a purchase.


Shopping with Children

• If you are shopping with children have a plan in case you are separated.

• Have a center meeting place.

• Ensure children know your cell phone number. Give them cards with contact information.

• Go over Stranger Danger.


Prevent Identity Theft

• Consider alternate options to pay for your merchandise, such as onetime or multiuse disposable credit cards for online stores and auction sites.

• Wait until asked before pulling out your credit card or checkbook. An enterprising thief would love to shoulder surf to get your information.

• Keep personal information and passwords secure. Do not respond to requests to “verify” your information unless you initiate the contact. Legitimate businesses will not contact you in this manner.

• Use secure websites for purchases. Look for the icons of a locked padlock at the bottom of the screen or “https” in the URL address.

• Shop with companies you know and trust. Check for background information if you plan to buy from a new or unfamiliar company.

• Beware of “bargains” from companies with whom you are unfamiliar-if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

• Save receipts and print confirmations for online purchases. Check bank and credit card statements for purchases and possible fraudulent purchases.


Crime Prevention & Safety Tips

Lighting is one of the most cost effective deterrents to burglary.

• Install landscape lighting.

• Place motion detector lights at front and rear entryways.

• Aim motion detector lights away from house so lights activate when someone approaches.

• Place exterior lights so as to prevent bulbs from being easily removed or broken

• Set interior lights on a timer.

Windows should be secured by a secondary locking devices. 

• Place a dowel rod horizontally in the interior track of sliding windows and vertically in the interior tract of standard windows.

• Garage Doors should be closed and secured by a locking device whenever possible.

• Vehicles should be locked and secured when not in use and visible enticements eliminated.

• Park vehicles in well-lighted areas.

• Keep valuables out of sight.

• Secure vehicle with auto alarm if possible.

• Secure pickup tailgates with locking devise.

• Avoid leaving keys inside of vehicle.

• Avoid leaving vehicle running while unattended.


Sheriff Department in Copperfield & Wheatstone

As a resident of Copperfield and Wheatstone a portion of your homeowners dues go to paying for 8 deputies and a Sargent in our community 7x24. We have 2 deputies during the days, 2 during the evening, 2 during the night shift plus 2 deputies that work split shifts.

Please reminder if you have an emergency call 911, for non-emergencies call  713-221-6000. Sgt. Hardcastle enjoys receiving emails from residents, but please remember he works Monday thru Friday from 8 AM to 4 PM and doesn’t read his emails after hours or on the week-end.

Nextdoor is a good way to let your neighbors know what is happening in the neighborhood, but it the deputies don’t have access to Nextdoor. Please call the Sheriff’s department first!

Thank you for the Harris County Sheriff’s Office for these safety tips.
Submitted by Northmead Village

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