Growing with Plants and Nature Gets Kids Outside
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Growing with Plants and Nature Gets Kids Outside

November 09 2022

Growing with Plants and Nature had an opportunity to provide cylinders for the children at Friends of Northside, thanks to the generosity of the cylinder Gardening Committee. The children showed great creativity with the new experience of designing and painting cylinders, followed later in the month by planting them and placing the completed cylinders in sunny spots around the center’s yard. A welcome addition for our program at Northside is that the children now have their own space in the raised beds built by community volunteers for inground planting.
Other October activities in the community included the Towne Lake Farmer’s Market, alongside AAMG with Lois Pierce, Linda Persse and Deepali Cykowski assisting in making leaf rubbings that provided a creative opportunity for the children as well as a chance to show the leaf veins that are a part of a plant’s circulatory system. We also participated at the Buffalo Bayou Partnership’s KBR Kids Day at Tony Marron Park. This has been a large, well attended event we share with a range of other providers. It enables us to reach out to many new families.

About Growing Plants with Nature

Growing with Plants and Nature offers children and their families opportunities for learning about gardening and nature through hands-on activities and lessons focused on plants and the creeping, crawling, and flying creatures with whom the plants share the natural environment.

We provide programs to community organizations, plant sales, fairs, farmer’s markets, and other events. Also, we reach out through our informative Facebook Group, and our Growing with Plants and Nature Virtual Group. We welcome questions, comments and requests at:

Source: Harris County Master Gardeners Urban Dirt Newsletter (November 2022 Edition)

About Urban Dirt

Each month, Harris County Master Gardeners publishes an informative, resourceful newsletter entitled "Urban Dirt". This article was derived from the November 2022 edition. To read the November 2022 edition of this newsletter, click the button below.


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