Grand Lakes Announcements
RECYCLING NEWS. Our community recycling company, Best Trash, accepts glass and Styrofoam! It takes approximately 1 MILLION YEARS for glass bottles to decompose, and Styrofoam containers - over 1 MILLION YEARS! Let’s ALL try to recycle - with curb side pick-up so there are no more excuses!
RECYCLING CENTERS NEAR YOU! The Ft. Bend County Recycling Center in Rosenberg (just 10 miles away), accepts glass/bottles, Styrofoam and other items. Visit the Ft. Bend Co. government website for information: www.co.fort-bend.tx.us. Green Arrow Recycling located in Katy, west of Katy High School accepts paper, plastics, aluminum, electronics, cardboard and other recyclable materials and welcome residential drop offs. Visit greenarrowrecycling.com.
GRAND LAKES GREEN COMMITTEE: COMMITTEE PURPOSE & MEMBERSHIP: The Green Committee’s purpose is to assist the Board in fostering a culture of environmental sustainability within the Grand Lake’s neighborhood, common facilities, and/or common properties. The Green Committee Charter can be found on the documents section of the website. Formed in 2016, current membership can be found on the Board & Committee Members page.
What we’re currently working on: We are currently working on some revitalization of the Grand Lakes Community Garden (12 raised beds across from the Barn Park), ideas to reduce litter, and ways to ‘green’ our community events. We look forward to continuing to utilize the survey and resident feedback to further guide us in deciding how best to serve the Grand Lakes community. Want to help or get involved contact the committee members (Leigh Anne Goerland, Teresa Huddleston and Julie Bush) at grandlakesgreen@gmail.com.
GRAND LAKES WILDLIFE COMMITTEE: The Wildlife Committee (the “Committee”) is established as a standing committee and shall assist the Board of Directors (the “Board”) of the Grand Lakes Community Association, Inc. (the “Association”) in the management of all issues associated with the wildlife in the lakes and on the grounds within the neighborhood, common facilities, and/or common properties. Want to learn about wildlife concerns or issues in Grand Lakes please email, PMG.
GRAND LAKES WOMAN’S ASSOCIATION: Join your neighbors, make new friends, and have fun with GLWA! Let’s share a special tradition you and your family celebrate. Or we could bring a photo of our family and share a story! Or discuss a book we are reading or a project we are working on! Let’s meet and have fun. For details contact me –garimadasgupta@gmail.com and evajoel@sbcglobal.net. Also please visit our Facebook page and join us; https://www.facebook.com/pages/Grand-Lakes-Woman-Association/282953398525854
GRAND LAKES WOMAN'S GROUP FOR SPANISH SPEAKERS. A great way to get to know your neighbors, make friends and share stories from our diverse backgrounds. We meet once a month for breakfast or lunch in the home of one of our great ladies. Please email Esperanza Tafallo for more information at etafallo@sbcglobal.net
GRUPO DE SEÑORAS DE HABLA HISPANA DE GRAND LAKES. Es una gran manera de conocer a sus vecinas, hacer nuevas amistades y compartir nuestras historias. Nos reunimos una vez al mes a desayunar o almorzar en casa de una de nosotras. Por favor llame o pase un correo a Esperanza Tafallo al etafallo@sbcglobal.net
PICK UP AFTER YOUR PET “SCOOPAGE PET POOPAGE”. It may not be a fabulous way to walk, but please have courtesy to please school when your pet poops during your walks. Throughout the community trails, you will find areas to toss your pet’s poopage and in some areas, there are also bags. Carry your own grocery bags – you’ll be recycling at the same time! Many of your neighbors work hard with their lawn care and landscaping. Come with a scooper and a recycled grocery bag or anything else. Picking up after your pets shows your respect for every Grand Lakes homeowner and our beautiful community. Pet feces damages lawns and many residents are working hard to maintaining their grass!
GRAND LAKES PET LOST & FOUND ON FACEBOOK! Be sure to check out the Facebook pages for pet’s lost and found in our area: https://www.facebook.com/GrandLakes4Pets. If residents "Like" this page they will receive even more info regarding pets for adoption as well as those found and lost.
- Protect your pet from extreme weather (heat, cold, rain etc.
- Keep indoors or in fenced yard, and on a leash when walked
- Make sure they're up to date with vaccinations
- Always make sure they're wearing identification so they can be returned to you if lost
- Spay or neuter your pet
- All dogs and cats are requiredto be registered and licensed with Fort Bend County Animal Services. All licenses are for 1 year only and must be renewed annually.
- Leash laws are in place for bothcats & dogs in the county and must be restrained according to the Fort Bend County Animal Control Regulations, Section III.
- Rescue Organizations mustbe designated as a 501 (c) organization.