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County Libraries

January 25 2022



Location: 2620 Commercial Center Blvd., Katy, TX 77494
Phone: 281-395-1311 
Hours: Mon. 12 Noon - 9 PM, Tues. 10 AM - 9 PM, Wed. 10 AM - 6 PM, Thurs. 10 AM - 9 PM, Fri. 12 Noon - 5 PM, Sat. 10 AM - 5 PM, Sun. Closed.

To register online for any classes at the library’s website (, click on “Calendar,” select “Cinco Ranch Branch Library” and find the program. Participants may also register by calling the library at 281-395-1311 or by visiting the library.


January 1st: New Year’s
January 20th: Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday


ADULT COMPUTER CLASSES: All computer classes will take place in the Computer Lab. Reservations are required. Call the library for info.


LITERARY LUNCH LEAGUE BOOK CLUB: Usually 1st Wednesday, 12 Noon, Conference room. Those attending are invited to bring a lunch, if desired.

CINCO RANCH NIGHT READERS: 3rd Thursday, beginning at 7 PM, in Conference Room.

CHESS DAY @ THE LIBRARY: 1st and 3rd Saturdays, 10:30 AM-2:30 PM, Multi-purpose Room. People of all ages and skill levels - from beginners to advanced - who are interested in playing chess, are invited to practice their strategies while playing against others in a relaxed, stress-free environment. Learn a new chess move (or two) during this come-and-go activity. Experienced players will be on hand to provide tips and assistance. A limited number of chess sets will be provided, but players are welcome to bring their own sets as well.

CRAFT CLUB @ CINCO RANCH: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of every month, 10 AM-12 Noon, Multi-purpose Room. People of all experience levels - from beginners to advanced - who enjoy any type of crafting are invited to attend this new monthly drop-in event to get other crafters’ perspectives, critiques and suggestions. Chat and network with other crafters who enjoy anything from art and needlework to woodwork and much more! Those attending should bring their projects and their own crafting supplies. Samples of the library’s instructional books, magazines and websites on various crafts will be available.

ESL CONVERSATION CIRCLES: 2nd and 4th Friday, 1-2 PM; Multipurpose Room. Fort Bend County Libraries presents a program for individuals of all nationalities who would like a place to practice their English language and conversation skills. The “Conversation Circles” provide an opportunity for non-English-speaking people to gather in a relaxed setting and discuss topics of their own choosing while practicing their English skills.

ESL GAMES: 3rd Friday, 1-2 PM, Multi-purpose Room. Games are a fun way for non- English-speaking students to develop a deeper understanding of the English vocabulary.


YOUNG ADULT BOOK CLUB: 2nd Wednesday, 4-5 PM, Conference Classroom. Teen readers will have the opportunity to meet with others who share the same love for great books and have a lively discussion on the reasons a book or its characters were liked or disliked.

YOUNG ADULT ADVISORY COUNCIL: Usually 3rd Wednesday, 4-5 PM, Conference Room. At this monthly meeting, teens in grades 9-12 are invited to express ideas organize upcoming activities and suggest new programs and books that would be of interest to young adults at the library. Earn volunteer/service hours and meet new friends while helping to shape the future of library services for teens!


(The library is unable to accommodate daycares and school groups at these activities.)

Mother Goose Time: Tuesdays at 10:15 AM, provides caregiver/infant activities and songs especially designed for the youngest book-lovers, from age 1 month to 12 months.

Stories & Play: Tuesdays at 2 PM, for children from 1 to 3 years of age. Children will be treated to a story and then have open play time.

Toddler Time:Wednesdays at 10:15 AM and Thursdays at 10:15 AM and 11:30 AM - offers caregiver/child activities, stories and songs for older babies, from 12 to 36 months of age.

Story Time: Wednesdays at 11:30 AM. Age 3-6, where they hear stories, watch movies and participate in age-appropriate craft activities.

Pajama Night Story Time: Tuesdays at 7 PM - gives families an evening option for the activities presented during the daytime.

Family Story Time: 1st Saturday of the month at 10:15 AM. All ages welcome.

Kinder Korner:2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at 4:30 PM - is a time for kindergartners to enjoy stories, movies, crafts and other activities.

After-School Breaks:1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 4:30 PM - crafts, movies and stories for school-aged children in grades 1 through 3.

Creative Connections:4th Saturday at 2:30 PM - activities for children in grades 4 through 8. All programs are free and open to the public. For more information, call the Cinco Ranch Branch Library at 281-395-1311 or the library’s Public Information Office at 281-633-4734.


Location: 8100 FM 359 South, Fulshear, Texas 77441
Phone: 281-633-4675 
Public Information Office: 281-633-4734 
Hours: Mon. 12 Noon - 8 PM, Tues. 10 AM - 6 PM, Wed. 10 AM - 6 PM, Thurs. 10 AM - 8 PM, Fri. 12 Noon - 5 PM, Sat. 9 AM - 1 PM, Sun. Closed.

To register for any events online at the library’s website (, click on “Calendar,” select “Bob Lutts Fulshear/Simonton Branch” and find the program. Participants may also register by calling the library at 281-633-4675 or by visiting the library.


January 1st: New Year’s
January 20th: Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday


ESL CONVERSATION CIRCLES: 3rd Thursday, 1 PM, Meeting Room; presented in English. Fort Bend County Libraries offers a program for individuals of all nationalities who would like a place to practice their English language and conversation skills. The “Conversation Circles” provide an opportunity for non-English-speaking people to gather in a relaxed setting and discuss topics of their own choosing while practicing their English skills.

FULSHEAR BOOK CLUB: 3rd Monday, 12 Noon, Meeting Room.

FULSHEAR NIGHT READERS GUILD: 4th Monday, 6:30 PM, Meeting Room.


Toddler Time: Tuesdays at 10:15 AM, offers caregiver/child activities, stories and songs for older babies, from 12 to 36 months of age.

Story Time: Wednesdays at 10:15 AM, 3 to 6 years of age, presents stories, movies and participate in age-appropriate craft activities.

After-School Breaks: 2nd Thursday at 4:30 PM - Crafts, movies, stories for school-aged children in grades 1 through 5. Materials for these programs are made possible by the generous support of the Friends of the BLFSBL.

For more information on any of the above-mentioned events, call the library or the library’s Public Information Office at 281-633-4734.


Location: 1001 Golfview Drive, Richmond, Texas 77469
Phone: 281-342-4455 
Public Information Office: 281-633-4734 
Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9 AM - 9 PM, Fri.-Sat. 9 AM - 5 PM, Sun. 1 PM - 5 PM.
To register online for any event (, click on “Calendar,” select “George Memorial Library,” and find the program. Participants may also register by calling the library at 281-633-4734 or by visiting the library.


January 1st: New Year’s
January 20th: Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday


FAMILY-HISTORY RESEARCH: Meeting Room, 10 AM. Reservations required.

RESUMÉ WORKSHOP: 2nd Tuesday, 2 PM, Computer Lab. Learn the basics of putting together a resumé. Those attending this informal program will receive one-one-one help formatting a resumé. For assistance on a pre-existing resumé, please have a digital copy available on a USB flashdrive, saved to the cloud or have access to it via email. Registration required.

OPEN-MIC NIGHT: 3rd Wednesday, 6-8:30 PM, Meeting Room. Open-Mic Night is a casual event for amateur performers to take the stage and express themselves! Step into the limelight to share original poetry, music, comedy or one-act plays or to showcase any other unique talents. Performances are limited to five minutes or less and they must not contain any profanity or other insensitive topics. This event is for adults and teens aged 14 and above. Registration required to perform ONLY.

STORY SPINNERS WRITING CLUB: 3rd Thursday, 5:30-8 PM, Room 2C. From beginning blogger to published novelist, writers of all genres and experience levels are welcome to write, share, learn, support, network and critique each other’s work. Writing prompts, brainteasers and brief exercises will be available to ignite the imaginations of any and all wordsmiths who wish to hone their craft. This program is recommended for adults and teens aged 14 and up.

INTERNATIONAL COFFEE HOUR: Last Monday of every month, 9 AM, Meeting Room. Start your week off by sharing a cup of coffee, exchanging news or a corny joke and chatting with friends at the library’s monthly social hour celebrating the multitude of diverse cultures found in Fort Bend County.

CACHE YOUR MONEY: 4th Tuesday, 7 PM, Room 2A. John Rebeles, Jr., will talk about how to manage one’s finances more efficiently.

BOOK BREAK: 3rd Thursday, at 12 Noon, Room 2A.

HEAVY INKS GRAPHIC NOVEL BOOK CLUB: 3rd Saturday, 11 AM, Room 2B. Readers of all ages who enjoy illustrated novels and comic books are invited to join this book club specifically for graphic-novel enthusiasts.

ESL CONVERSATION CIRCLES: Wednesdays at 10 AM and 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 6 PM, Learning Lab, presented in English. Program for individuals of all nationalities who would like a place to practice their English language and conversation skills. The “Conversation Circles” will provide an opportunity for non-English-speaking people to gather in a relaxed setting and discuss topics of their own choosing while practicing their English skills.

ADULT COMPUTER CLASSES: All computer classes take place in the Computer Lab. Seating is limited and reservations are required.


YOUNG ADULT BOOK CLUB: 2nd Wednesday, 5 PM, Room 2B. Teen readers will have the opportunity to meet with others who share the same love for great books and have a lively discussion on the reasons a book or its characters were liked or disliked.

YOUNG ADULT ADVISORY COUNCIL: 3rd Wednesday, 5 PM, Room 2B. Teens in grades 9-12 who are interested in an exciting new leadership opportunity and volunteer-service hours are invited to attend this meeting of the Young Adult Advisory Council. Members will have a chance to share ideas about library programs, to help out at events, to give suggestions for teen services, books and movies and to meet new people.


Toddler Time: Thursdays at 10 AM, offers caregiver/child activities, stories and songs for older babies, from 12 to 36 months of age.

Preschool Story Time: Wednesdays at 10 AM, 3 to 6 years of age, presents stories, movies and age-appropriate craft activities.

Pajama Night Story Time:Thursdays at 6:30 PM, gives families an evening option for some activities presented during the daytime. This activity is for all ages.

Family Story Time:Saturdays at 10 AM in the Meeting Room. Families with children of all ages are invited to come and enjoy stories, movies and crafts together.

After-School Break: 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 4 PM. Crafts, movies, stories and more for school-aged children in grades kindergarten through 3. Takes place in the Puppet Theater.

Creative Connection: 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 6 PM, in the Middle Grades department on the second floor. Activities specially designed for kids in grades 4 through 8.

For more information about any of our events, call the library’s Public Information Office at 281-633-4734.



Location: 1815 Westgreen Blvd., Katy, TX 77450
Phone: 281-492-8592 
Hours: Mon. 1 PM - 9 PM, Tues. 10 AM - 9 PM, Wed. 10 AM - 6 PM, Thurs. 10 AM - 6 PM, Fri. 1 PM - 6 PM, Sat. 10 AM - 5 PM, Sun. Closed.
To register online for any of the programs at the library’s website (, click on “Events Calendar” and select “Maud Marks.” Participants may also register by calling or by visiting the library.

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We will be closing for Christmas at 5 PM on December 23rd and will be closed December 24th-25th.

We will also be closing on December 31st at 5 PM and for New Year’s Day, January 1 st.


LEGO BUILDERS: Kids ages 6 and up and their families are invited to join us as we use our imaginations to build, build, build! Join us 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 4:45 PM as we build with LEGOs. Come build anything your heart desires.

VOLUNTEER AT THE LIBRARY: Volunteer opportunities abound at the library. Volunteers are needed to help shelve, count patrons and more. Students should be in high school and must be able to commit to two hours a week. If you would like to help in any way, please contact Shanna Henry at 832-927-7860.

TEEN TIME: Teen Time is a place to kick back, meet other teens and be yourself while learning new skills. Teens, ages 13 and up can come and participate in a variety of fun activities led by the Library Leadership Council (made up of teens)! Crafts, gaming, movies and more! Show up on 2nd Thursday at 4:30 PM.

TEENMAKERS: Teens & tweens in 6th grade and up are invited to come MAKE something at the library. This will be a monthly program, which will include robotics, science experiments, art & crafts and more! We will be meeting the 1st Thursday each month at 4:30 PM.

TEEN BOOK CLUB: We have started a teen book club! Teens are invited to join us on the 3rd Thursday at 4:30 PM. If you are interested in joining us, extra copies of the book are available at the checkout desk. Please register online if you plan to attend.

DOLLARS & SENSE: Why financial literacy? Every 1st Saturday of the month, experts will be here to discuss various topics pertinent to personal finance.

DIY WORKSHOP: On the second Tuesday of every month at 2 PM, the library hosts a fun adult craft time. Bake one-of-a-kind cookies this holiday season. Seating is extremely limited for these classes.

FINANCIAL LITERACY AT LIBRARY: Why financial literacy? Every 1st Saturday of the month, experts will be here to discuss various topics pertinent to personal finance.

STITCH THERAPY: Join us on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 2 PM. Come meet other crafters or learn a new skill. We will provide the knitting needles, crochet hooks and yarn for beginners. You only have to provide your creativity and ideas for your projects, although we will have plenty of ideas available for inspiration. Come relax and stitch.

KATY MAKERSPACE: Did you know that the Katy area has its very own MakerSpace? We’ll be learning all about this special place for creators and inventors at the library on the 2nd Tuesday at 7 PM. Harry Krueger will be here to give us an introduction to Katy MakerSpace and all you can do there. Makers of all ages and disciplines are encouraged to join us as we learn everything our new MakerSpace has to offer.

PEOPLE’S LAW SCHOOL: 2nd Saturday. Do you have legal questions but don’t even know where to start? The library is pleased to host The People’s Law School presented by the Katy Bar Association.

WHODUNNIT?: Have you ever wanted to solve a real-life mystery? Join us at the library on the 3rd Tuesday at 7 PM as we become real life detectives. A detective will be coming to the library with a real-life crime and the tools to solve it. After learning the techniques, it will be up to YOU to figure out whodunnit...

SMART SIZE YOUR LIFE: Senior citizens and their family members are invited to join us for a new series at the library. Every 3rd Friday of the month, experts will be here to discuss various topics pertinent to senior living.

COLOR ME RELAXED: What is the newest way for adults to relax and have a good time? Coloring! The library now has an adult coloring hour on the 4th Tuesday of every month. Join us at 2 PM as we color, chat, have a snack and listen to relaxing music. We will provide plenty of pages for coloring and colored pencils, although, you are more than welcome to bring your own.

BOOK DISCUSSION CLUBS: The Library hosts book clubs that meet monthly. The Afternoon Book Club meets on the second Thursday of the month at 1 PM.

JUST DESSERTS MYSTERY BOOK CLUB: Meetings held the third Wednesday of the month at 2 PM. You are encouraged to bring your favorite dessert to eat while we discuss whether our villains get their just desserts.

COMPUTER CLASSES: The library offers a variety of computer classes each month. You must know how to use a mouse and a keyboard. Seating for this is extremely limited. Registration is required. To see this month’s classes go to the library’s website, click on “Events Calendar” and select “Maud Marks.”


*Please note that on holidays no programs will be held.

STEMTASTIC STORYTIME: Bring the entire family out to our special monthly storytime. This storytime will meet on the 2nd Monday at 6:30 PM. We will have stories and robots. Come participate in a story with a technological twist.

WEDNESDAY WONDERS: Come to the library and let imaginations soar as you explore STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) with crafts and activities. On Wednesdays at 4:30 PM, the library will host Wednesday Wonders for ages 6-11. These programs normally last about one hour. All necessary materials are provided. No registration is required.

INFANT STORYTIME: This program will meet each Tuesday morning at 10:15 AM and 11:15 AM. This is an interactive program for children, ages 0 to 12 months and their caregivers. Each session will last about 20 minutes, featuring nursery rhymes, songs and finger plays.

STORYTIME: Storytime for preschool-aged children is held each Wednesday at 10:15 AM. Stories, fingerplays and songs are featured. This is ideal for children ages 3 to 5, but all children and their caregivers are welcome.

PRESCHOOL EXPLORERS: Is your pre-schooler ready to explore the world? Children ages 2 1⁄2 to 5 are invited to come to the library on Wednesdays at 11:15 AM as we learn about the world. There will be plenty of stations for science and sensory exploration.

TOTALLY TODDLER STORYTIME: Toddlers, ages 18 to 36 months, are invited to participate in our Totally Toddler Storytime, which will be held on Thursdays, at 10:15 AM and 11:15 AM. Tickets are required for Toddler Storytime. Tickets are given to the first 30 toddlers the day of the event.

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Location: 16719 Clay Road, Houston, TX 77084

Phone: 832-927-5590 
Hours: Monday - 1 PM - 8 PM, Tuesday/Thursday - 10 AM - 6 PM, Wednesday -10 AM - 8 PM, Friday - 1 PM - 6 PM, Saturday - 10 AM - 5 PM.


KARAOKE AT CLAY’S RESTAURANT: First Friday of each month, 7-8:30 PM. Join us for another evening of fun as we get a little musical at Clay’s Restaurant, located at 17717 Clay Rd. All ages are welcome to attend!

MONDAY NIGHT MAKERS: First Monday of each month, 6-7:30 PM. Come to our New Monday Night Makers. Meet new people, show and tell what you're currently working on or bring your completed work. We will be in the meeting room.

TEEN ADVISORY GROUP: First Wednesday of every month, 6 PM, library meeting room. All persons in 6th-12th grade are welcome to join. You must fill out a Teen Volunteer Interest Form prior to attending. Members of TAG will work together to plan and execute teen programming and other special tasks. They will receive volunteer hours and gain valuable leadership experience through this program.

POKÉMON CLUB AT CLAY’S RESTAURANT: First Thursday of the month, 5 PM. All school age children are invited to come and bring their Pokémon Cards or Nintendo DS for this event. We ask that parents remain at Clay’s for the duration of the program. We hope to see you there! Clay’s Restaurant is located at 17717 Clay Road, Houston, TX 77084.

GAME NIGHT AT CLAY’S RESTAURANT: FirstThursday of the month, 6 PM, 17717 Clay Rd., Houston, TX 77084. Bring the whole family to play games with us at Clay’s Restaurant! We will have several board games to play or bring your own!

CONVERSATIONAL ESL: Thursdays, 1:30 PM. Join our free Conversational ESL class each week. Attendees will need to fill out an application. Everyone is welcome. Please join us!

SOCIAL CRAFTERS: Saturdays, 10 AM-12 PM. Join our new social crafting group! Are you working on a craft or fabric arts project now? Bring a project to the library and share your ideas with others. Or, just come to learn more about crafts you may want to try. All are welcome!

BOOKED FOR LUNCH CLUB: 12-1 PM. Join us for our New Monthly Book Club and a discussion at Clay’s Restaurant! The Booked for Lunch Club meets the second Monday of each month. Join us at: 17717 Clay Rd, Houston, TX 77084.

PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB: 3rd Monday, 6:30-7:30 PM. Improve your photography skills, participate in our fun monthly challenges, share your art with others and get inspired! Open to all levels of expertise!

BEAR CREEK HEALTH & WELLNESS CLUB: 2nd Tuesday, 1 PM. Come build with us a community of people committed to a healthier and happier life. We will be seeking this through group discussion and sharing information, ideas and personal experiences. This club is open to everyone & newcomers are always welcome.

LITERARY EXPLORERS BOOK CLUB: 1st Wednesday, 3 PM. Join us at the Library for our Book Club.

TEEN ANIME CLUB: 3rd Wednesday, 6 PM. Join us as we watch anime, eat Pocky and other fun snacks, make crafts and more. The film this week is rated PG-13 and additional details can be provided by contacting the library.

TEEN VIDEO GAME NIGHT: 4th Monday, 6-7 PM. Game night is for students in grades 6-12. Drop in and play, no experience needed. For more information regarding teen programming, please call the library.

SAVVY STITCHERS: Thursdays, 3:30 PM. The Savvy Stitchers is a place to share ideas for different crafts such as knitting and crochet! Don’t miss out on the weekly fun! Make sure to bring your needles and yarn. All ages welcome.

LILY’S LIBRARY TALES: Every Saturday at 11 AM. Come to the library for a family friendly storytime with Lily, a certified therapy dog! This library program is in partnership with Tender Loving K-9s. All ages welcome.


BOOK BUDDIES: Mondays, 4-6 PM. HCPL’s Book Buddies program pairs trained volunteers (Big Buddies) with children, Kindergarten - 3rd grades, (Little Buddies). For 10 weeks, the Buddies meet once a week for 45 minutes of shared reading.

PRESCHOOL PICASSOS: 1st Friday, 1:30-2:15 PM. Art projects for children ages 3-6 years old. Painting can get a little messy, so come prepared! In order to ensure the safety of or youngest patrons, this is a ticketed program. Free tickets are available 30 minutes before the program starts. First come, first served.

PRESCHOOL STORYTIME: Tuesdays at 10:30 AM. Early literacy program with stories, songs, finger plays and the occasional craft geared towards preschoolers aged 3-6 yrs old. In order to ensure the safety of our youngest patrons, this is a ticketed program. Free tickets are available on the morning of the program. First come, first served.

SUNSHINE BABYTIME: Wednesdays, at 10:30 AM. Sunshine Babytime is an early literacy program for the children ages birth to 18 months. Please join us as we share literacy tips, stories, songs, fingerplays, bubbles and books. In order to ensure the safety of our youngest patrons this is a ticketed program. Free ticket available on the morning of the program in the library.

TODDLER TIME: Thursdays, at 10:30 AM. Toddler Time is an early literacy program for children ages 18 months to 3 years of age. Please join us as we share literacy tips, stories, songs and fingerplays. In order to ensure the safety of our youngest patrons this is a ticketed program. Free tickets are available on the morning of the program in the library.

All programs are free and open to the public. For more information call 281-550-0885 or log on to


Location: 5414 Franz Road, Katy, TX 77493

Phone: 281-391-3509 
Hours: Monday & Tuesday 10 AM - 7 PM, Wednesday 1 PM - 8 PM, Thursday 10 AM - 6 PM, Friday 1 PM - 6 PM, Saturday 10 AM - 5 PM, Sunday CLOSED.

Join online at or come by in person and we’ll help you sign up!


HISPANIC BOOK GROUP/CLUB HISPANO DE LIBROS: First Wednesday of each month, 6 PM. Every month, a group of Spanish speaking adults get together to discuss a chosen book. Les invitamos a que todos los meses se reuna con nosotros para conversar sobre un libro. Lláme para más información.

SUPERACION PERSONAL: Second Wednesday of every month, 6 PM. The Katy Branch Library hosts motivational discussions in Spanish.

SPANISH COMPUTER CLASS/CLASE DE LA COMPUTADORA: Every Friday, 4:30 PM. Basic computer classes taught in Spanish.

ADULT COMPUTER CLASSES: The Katy Library offers an array of computer classes in English - please call for more information.

MANGO ESL CLASS: Every Friday, 3:30 PM. Learn English with a group going through Mango Languages, an online computer program.

GARDENING CLUB: Every month on the 2nd Thursday, 11 AM. Join other gardeners in the area to learn new ways to grow. Bring your leftover seeds and exchange them for new seeds to try.


GENEALOGY SQUAD: Every Monday, 2 PM. Bring your lunch and join us for an informal genealogy get-together. We’ll have computers, and other genealogists to help each other with our searches.

KNOTTY & NICE CLUB: Every Wednesday, 1 PM. The Knotty & Nice Club is the place for you if you want to learn new needlework techniques, teach someone else or just hang out with other crafters. Come & join the club!


Baby Bounce: Mondays at 10:15 AM
Preschool Storytime: Tuesdays at 10:15 AM and 11 AM
Toddler Time: Thursdays at 10:15 AM and 11 AM


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