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Essential Back-to-School Resources for Parents and Guardians in Cypress-Fairbanks ISD

Essential Back-to-School Resources for Parents and Guardians in Cypress-Fairbanks ISD

August 07 2024

Cypress-Fairbanks ISD (CFISD) is preparing to welcome students back to school on Monday, August 19! To help parents and guardians be equipped for the new school year, CFISD has a multitude of resources to help answer questions and ensure a smooth start to the year. Check out our guide to help familiarize parents and guardians with  important procedures for the upcoming 2024-25 school year.

Changes in the Transportation Plan

There have been significant transformations in the CFISD bus transportation for this academic year. Parents and students are advised to familiarize themselves with these changes. The 2024-25 transportation plan page provides all the necessary information.

Earlier this week, Chief Mendez, the Chief of Police for the CFISD Police Department, issued the statement below to the CFISD community regarding safety for the new school year in light of the transportation changes.

"As we approach the start of the school year, and with the changes in our transportation plan, we know there will be an increase in students walking or riding bikes to and from school. We want to provide some important information and tips for the safety of our hikers and bikers.

  • Heightened security: CFPD and Harris County Precincts 4 and 5 Constables will have expanded patrols near campuses.
  • School zones: The county is increasing the time in which school zones will be in effect this school year to 45 minutes before school starts. Afternoon school zones will remain at 30 minutes after school concludes.
  • Crosswalks: Most elementary campuses will have a designated crosswalk at their main entry to the campus that will be staffed by CFISD crossing guards.
  • Volunteers: Neighborhoods that are interested in organizing volunteers to be trained to monitor additional intersections in their community should contact their HOA/MUD, who will coordinate training with CFPD.
Tips for parents of walkers/bikers:
  • Plan and practice your path to school before the first day.
  • Get to know your neighbors.
  • Identify friends and houses along the way where you know someone.
  • Coordinate with friends or neighbors and walk/ride in groups.
  • Remind your child/children not to talk to strangers or accept rides from someone they don’t know.
  • Always wear a helmet when riding a bike.
  • Choose the most direct way and, when possible, include a crosswalk with crossing guards as you enter the campus.
  • Know what time your school opens its doors.
If you have an area in your neighborhood or path to school that you think should be identified as an additional crosswalk or have a specific traffic concern, please contact CFPD at or 832-237-CFPD, and your concern will be reviewed and evaluated by CFPD. If we all work together in the community, we can ensure our students get to and from school safely each day."
Bus Schedule and Routes

Checking which bus your child will ride has been made simple. You need to register for an account with My Ride K-12 or download the My Ride K-12 app.

Nutrition Services

The school offers a free and reduced meal benefits program. You can apply online via The Nutrition Services page will provide more comprehensive information.

(Click to enlarge or print)

Engage with Transportation Department

If you have inquiries about bus routes or schedules or want to thank a bus driver, interact with the transportation department through Let's Talk! initiative.

Home Access Center

The Home Access Center is a portal for parents and students to view student registration, scheduling, attendance, assignments and grade information. If you have not signed up, parents and guardians are strongly urged to get plugged in for the new school year and beyond.

Volunteer and Mentor Opportunities

The district encourages parents and guardians to volunteer through the Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS) program and the CFISD Mentor Program. Any community member wishing to volunteer in CFISD is encouraged to contact the CFISD Community Engagement department at 281-894-3950

Still Need School Supplies?

Visit your child's school website for a school supply list.
Remember, the weekend of August 9-11 is a tax free holiday!
Learn more about what items are tax exempt and make plans to shop and save.
Clear Backpack Policy

All high school and middle school students are required to use clear backpacks, as part of the CFISD clear backpack policy.

New Student Registration

The new student registration for the academic year 2024-25 is now open. If you have not yet registered your new student, including incoming kindergarten students, please do so right away.

Before and After School Care

For eligible Pre-K through 5th grade students, CFISD offers the Club Rewind, a fee-based before/after-school care program.

Additional information about school zone locations, immunization policy, menus, safety and security, school hours, etc. can be sought from CFISD's Back-to-School resources.

Best wishes on a smooth, successful start to the new school year!

By Tiffany Krenek, My Neighborhood News 
Tiffany Krenek, authorTiffany Krenek has been on the My Neighborhood News team since August 2021. She is passionate about curating and sharing content that enriches the lives of our readers in a personal, meaningful way. A loving mother and wife, Tiffany and her family live in the West Houston/Cypress region.

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