Emery ES, Rennell ES Establish Adopt-A-School Partnership
Representatives from Rennell Elementary School visited the staff at Emery Elementary School on Feb. 17 to officially announce their Adopt-a-School partnership between the two campuses.
CFISD’s Adopt-a-School program pairs schools with community organizations and business partners to utilize resources of the community to strengthen and enrich the quality of education for students.
Meredith Akers, Rennell principal, shared that Rennell students and community members have supported Emery in the past, but wanted to make the partnership more official.

“The past couple of years, the Rennell PTO has held coat drives to benefit Emery students,” Akers said. “Rennell’s PTO and student council have also held school supply drives and holiday gift donations for surrounding CFISD schools. We are truly blessed to have such a giving and generous community. We are so excited to focus our energy and donations on supporting the Emery community and to make our partnership official! We look forward to planning more ways we can collaborate and support Emery for years to come!”
Dr. Michelle Merricks, Emery principal, expressed her gratitude to Rennell’s staff and PTO for their commitment to help support Emery staff and students.
“We were happy to hear Emery was being adopted by Rennell,” Dr. Merricks said. “We loved celebrating with the Rennell PTO and Rennell staff when we heard the news. They have a giving heart and an amazing spirit. We look forward to a wonderful partnership for years to come.”
For more information on the Adopt-a-School program, contact Dawn Tryon, director of community engagement, at 281-894-3950 or dawn.tryon@cfisd.net.
Source: Cypress-Fairbanks ISD