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Cypress Mill News from the Board - August 2023

Cypress Mill News from the Board - August 2023

August 15 2023

Cy-Mill #1 - Cypresswood Drive
Open 10 am - 2 pm
Closed Mondays
Cy-Mill #2 - Mills Park Lane
Open 4 pm - 8 pm
Closed Tuesdays

Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting
May 24, 2023
The Board of Directors meeting of the Cypress Mill Homeowners Association Inc. was at the Cypress Mill Recreation Center, 14710 Mills Park Lane, Cypress, Texas. 
Board members in attendance were Larry Turner, Michael Williams, Larry Ramirez, and Julian Becerra.
Management: Angela Rivera.
Call to Order / Quorum
With a quorum duly established, President Larry Turner called the Cypress Mill Board of Directors meeting to order at 6:00 PM. An Invocation; made by Larry Ramirez.
Summary of Executing Meeting
The president announced previous meeting minutes are available on the community app TownSq.
Board Announcement
Election of Officers: Larry Turner-President, Julian Becerra-Vice President, Larry Ramirez-Director, Steven Howard-Treasurer, and Michael Williams- Secretary.
Board Action 
Initiate (5) five Authorizations to File a Lawsuit.
Constable Report
Lt. Whiteley expressed no status report for April.
Approval of Minutes
Motion to accept the meeting minutes of March 2023 from Larry Turner and Julian Becerra; the motion was unanimously approved.
Financial and Management Reports
Angela Rivera presented April’s financials and the Delinquency Status Report. 
Homeowner Forum
Homeowners present and discuss the following items: 
  • Time frame of Mills Park Lane – pool slide
  • Cypress Creek Pest Control
  • Status on water fountain replacement
  • Turf replacement at the playground
President Larry Turner asked if there were any other questions from the membership, there were none. With no further business, the meeting; was adjourned at 6:35 PM.
The following items were discussed during the executive session. Motions were made and seconded and passed unanimously to:  
  • 455-1212 The owner discussed their account. Noted action; will be taken.
  • 465-7077 The owner discussed their account. Noted action; will be taken.
  • Tabled, Mills Park Lane – Pool Slide.
  • Tabled, Board Action on Deed Restriction Violation.
  • Approved; DunRite - gutters at Cypresswood building at $3,195.
  • Approved; DunRite - water fountain replacement at $1,587.
  • Cypress Mill landscape proposals reviewed from Terry’s Landscaping, Earthcare Management, and Landscape USA. Board requesting to meet with Landscape USA to discuss proposal. 
  • Approved; barrier to be installed by MUD District at Cascade Bend south entrance/exit to detention pond to avoid ATV intrusion.
With no further business to discuss, the Executive meeting adjourned at 8:12 PM.
Ratify Actions In-between meetings
  • Meeting with All Aquatics Playground, Playground Solutions, and McKenna -Play & Park Structures. Board approved to move forward with McKenna, proposals under review.
  • Approved; Landscape USA proposal at $194,034 contract to begin on July 15, 2023. Silversand Services contract termination date on July 15, 2023.
  • Approved; backflow repair at $1,450.
  • Approved; April’s irrigation repair report at $3,624.
  • Approved; May’s irrigation repair report at $3,182.

Board Meetings
Every 4th Wednesday of the month at 6:00 pm, except for the Annual Meeting in April at 7:00 pm. In November and December, there are no meetings.


The annual dues for 2023 are $648, due on; January 01, 2023. The Association statements were mailed, in November 2022. This is done to enable you to pay something each month before the deadline of January 31, 2023, if you wanted to do this.  We encourage each of our homeowners to pay promptly as the cost to the homeowner for collection begins mounting on February 1, 2023. If you would like to establish a payment plan, you can contact the onsite community manager Angela Rivera at  Keep in mind the terms of the payment plan agreement include a monthly payment plan fee and the association’s monthly interest. Please pay your assessments on time to prevent receiving late fees and interest charges to your account. Please visit TownSq to pay and/or mail in your payment to PO Box 3157 Houston, TX 77253.  As soon as possible. For your future reference you can always pay ahead on your yearly assessments either in full or a little at a time throughout the year.  This is also encouraged to each homeowner.

Cypress Mill Board
Cypress Mill community pages or groups on Facebook, Nextdoor, and other social media are not affiliated with the Cypress Mill Homeowner’s Association. The Association assumes no responsibility for its content. For official information, please log into:  

Protect One of Your Most Valuable Investments by Developing a Consistent Maintenance Schedule
By doing some simple preventative maintenance, you can extend the life of your home and minimize costly repairs.
Painting - It is important to put a good coat of paint on your home which may mean painting every three to five years on an average, depending on the quality of the paint. Painting improves the appearance of your home and protects your wood or hard plank from the elements reducing rot. Do not forget your ACC application along with paint color samples, which must be reviewed and approved first.
Power washing – Take a walk around your property. If you see green or black mildew on your home and driveway, you can power wash the mildew off your gutters, home exterior, driveway, and sidewalk. This small step of maintenance can keep your property looking well maintained.
Gutters - Gutters need to be cleaned out regularly.  This time of year, they fill up with pine needles and leaves.  If the gutters are full of leaves and pine needles, they will not drain properly and will need to be cleaned.  The extra weight will cause the gutter nails to become loose and the gutter will sag or fall from your home.  Gutters are important as they protect the fascia boards.
Landscaping - Trees, shrubs, and seasonal flowers add a great deal to the value of your home and the community. Remember that over time trees and shrubs can become overgrown and unsightly. Please keep your landscaping well-trimmed and yard edged so that it enhances your home and does not interfere with the street. 
Street Parking- Please keep in mind that the streets belong to the City. Please report all street parking to Harris County Constable Precinct 4 non-emergency line at 281-376-3472. 

Polite Parking
Several complaints have been received about visitors leaving their vehicles parked for extended periods. Please ask your visitors to park in your driveway or at least in front of your property, leaving your neighbors room for their visitors to park or to pass through with their vehicles.

Deed Restriction Violations
By PMG of Houston Management
Trash bins need to be out of view from the street. That means you cannot have your trash bins on the driveway, side of the home, or behind columns in front of the garage door. You will get a letter and if you do not comply we will send you to the attorney just for this trash bin violation and you will receive the attorney charge on your account. Please move your trash bins out of view from the street.

Leash Laws
There have been several complaints about dogs either running loose in the neighborhood or being walked but not on a leash. It is annoying and sometimes frightening when dogs run up to a homeowner so, for safety reasons, please keep your dog on a leash. FYI-Excerpt from: The Khan Law Firm Harris County Animal Control clearly states that “all dogs and cats must be kept under restraint while in the unincorporated areas of Harris County, Texas.”
In other words: 
Dogs are not permitted to run around at large; and they always must be kept under direct physical control (on a leash) of their owner.

Barking Dogs Problem
  • The best way is to call the Constables office and make a noise complaint.
  • 24-hour dispatch 281-376-3472.
  • Call from outside when the dogs are barking.
  • Request from the operator who answers the phone exactly what to ask for in a formal noise complaint.
  • Tell them you would like to meet the constable to make a formal complaint.
  • The best way is to talk to your neighbor, but if you do not feel comfortable call the Constable’s office.

Architectural Review Process
The Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) as well as other legally binding documents, are provided to homeowners before closing on a house. Please read the guidelines before submitting your Architectural Control Committee application. You can review a copy online at TownSq  under documents. All applications can take up to 30 business days before an approval or denial is correspondent to a homeowner.

Residents of Cypress Mill - Lawn Maintenance
Have your lawn cut either by yourself or a hired landscaper please do not put your grass clippings out on the sidewalk until trash days, Monday, or Thursday. We are getting complaints of homeowners putting out grass clippings before trash days. We thank you for your understanding and corporation.

Sweeping or Blowing Debris Into Storm Drains
When sweeping or blowing debris to the front; curb. Please pick it up and dispose of it properly. According to Herman L. Sanders of the Harris County Watershed Protection Group, "Sweeping grass, leaves, grass clippings, yard waste, etc., into a storm drain is cited as a civil solid-waste violation of State Municipal Solid Waste Rules, Chapter 330.15 (a)(1). Civil penalties are $50 to $25,000 per day per violation. Criminal penalties, if pursued, are $500 to $100,000 per day per violation." Please keep the front of the driveway and curbs cleaned to keep debris from going into the street gutters.

NOTICE: Fitness Room Rule
No one under 18 years of age is allowed in the fitness room at any time. If you are found in the fitness room your access card will be deactivated and you will have to come in front of the Board of Directors to discuss reactivating the card. Please comply with the rules.

Solicitation Is Against Our Deed Restrictions
Please do not purchase from solicitors and ask them to leave our neighborhood. Although it is difficult to enforce this violation, we can work together to keep this activity at a minimum. Please contact the constable dispatch at 281-376-3472 if any harassment issues or suspicious behavior arises.

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