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Cypress Mill HOA Shares August 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

Cypress Mill HOA Shares August 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

November 20 2023


Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting

August 23, 2023

The Board of Directors meeting of the Cypress Mill Homeowners Association Inc. was at the Cypress Mill Recreation Center, 14710 Mills Park Lane, Cypress, Texas. 

Board members in attendance; Michael Williams, Stephen Howard, and Julian Becerra, and Larry Ramirez. Larry Turner arrived during Summary of Executive Session.

Management: Angela Rivera.

Call to Order / Quorum

With a quorum duly established, Vice President Julian Becerra called the Cypress Mill Board of Directors meeting to order at 6:01 PM. An Invocation; made by Larry Ramirez.

Summary of Executing Meeting

The vice president announced previous meeting minutes are available on the community app TownSq.

Board Action

Initiate (2) two Authorizations to File a Judicial Foreclosure.

Constable Report

 Lt. Whiteley reported July’s status report.

Approval of Minutes

Motion to accept the meeting minutes of July 2023 from Stephen Howard and Julian Becerra; the motion was unanimously approved.

Financial and Management Reports

Angela Rivera presented July’s financials and the Delinquency Status Report. 

New | Old Business

President Turner informed the membership a meeting with Aquatics Pool Management is set during Executive Session. Landscape USA Edward Lenahan and Lance Gay introduced themselves and updated the membership on the takeover of Cypress Mill community.

Homeowner Forum

Homeowners present and discuss the following items: 

  • Dog’s barking overnight and reported deed restriction violations.
  • Increased Assessments.
  • Possible contribution from the MUD District on playground equipment.

President Larry Turner asked if there were any other questions from the membership, there were none. With no further business, the meeting; was adjourned at 7:08 PM.

The following items were discussed during the executive session. Motions were made, seconded, and passed unanimously to:  

  • 235-7004 An owner discussed further an ACC application to remove two trees that are causing damage to the driveway and soon to the property. The Board of Directors asked the homeowner to send photos of the damage the trees are causing to further discuss. Board will decide after reviewing evidence and vote via email.
  • Meeting with Aquatics – Peter Clark and Janet Anderson to discuss lifeguard shortage towards the end of the season and lifeguards off task and damaging HOA property.

The Board of Directors will be soliciting other pool companies and will get back on the 2024 pool renewal contract with Aquatics.

  • Alvarez Tree Services approved tree trimming and thinning at $2,250 off north of Cypress Mill Place Blvd.
  • Tree trimming and thinning off Cypress Mill Park Lane and a dead pine tree removal off Cypresswood Dr presented from Landscape USA. Board requesting a proposal from Alvarez Tree Services.
  • DRV of Re-sodding in the community is to be closed and revisited later due to the drought in the area. 
  • Approval to turn over fourteen (14) accounts at Final 45-day Demand. To the attorney for collections. 
  • The Board of Directors is requesting to meet with the Swim Team to discuss storage room rental fees. Plus, the disorganized, and cleanliness of the room.
  • The Board will confer with the attorney on charging the Robinson PTO for usage of the clubhouse once a year.
  • The preliminary 2024 Budget was presented to the Board of Directors; all directors will review the budget.
  • The managers vacation dates approved; September 1 to September 5, 2023, and October 13, 16, and 17th, 2023.
With no further business to discuss, the Executive meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Ratify Actions In-between meetings.

August 29, 2023, 4:00 PM

  • Meeting with Blue Oasis Aquatics Services and DC Recreational Services.
  • The Board has reviewed accounts 235-7004, evidence of damage to the property, and has granted a variance to remove and replace two trees with one Oak Tree.

September 12, 2023, 2:30 PM

  • Meeting with Swim Houston and Advance Aquatics.
  • The Board approved Always in Season at $10,001 for community entrances holiday Christmas decoration. 

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