Cy-Fair Women's Club Helps Local Children Write Letters to Santa
December 13 2022
By Patricia Swagerty, Cy-Fair Women's Club
Cy-Fair Women's Club partnered with Houston Premium Outlets to respond to Letters to Santa. Children wrote letters and drew pictures to Santa.
How can your children get involved by writing letters or drawing pictures for Santa? Go to Simon Guest Services at the Houston Premium Outlets, pickup a card and envelope. Write and/or decorate your letter. Drop in the red mailbox located at Guest Services. The campaign is ending Sunday, December 18th, so be sure to stop by before the deadline to drop your letter or drawn picture to Santa!

Parents should ensure they include an email address on the envelope so you can be notified when a response is received.

Cy-Fair Women’s Club is helping Santa by responding to the letters. Santa and his elves are enjoying all the letters and pictures that have already been received!