Cy-Fair ISD Announces Summer Meals Program to Combat Child Hunger and Support Families
In an effort to alleviate child hunger during the summer months, the Cy-Fair ISD will launch their annual summer meals program in June. This initiative provides nutritious breakfasts and lunches free of charge to children aged 18 and younger, and to students with special needs up to 21 years old.
Operating from Monday to Thursday, the program caters meals at various school locations across the district. But, it's worth noting the program will not be functioning on June 19 and July 4 to observe the national holidays.
The Cy-Fair ISD has teamed up with the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) to ensure that meals are served throughout the summer. They advise families to maximize the available resources to find meal sites nearest to their locations. To see Cy-Fair ISD meal sites that will be operating this summer, see the schedule below.
To determine eligibility for free or reduced-price meals for the 2023-2024 school year, families with students not attending a Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) campus must complete a Free & Reduced Meal Application annually. The USDA's Child Nutrition Programs Income Eligibility Guidelines and the Texas Department of Agriculture's Square Meals Online Program Eligibility Form can assist in determining eligibility. Students attending a USDA designated CEP campus during 2023-2024 will receive free meals and do not need to complete this application; more information is available on the CEP page.
Families can call 2-1-1, explore www.SummerFood.org, or simply text FOOD to 304-304 to locate a meal site across Texas. This collaboration between the ISD and TDA aims to make food resources as accessible as possible for families who need them. To view the menus for this program, click here.
The Cy-Fair ISD's summer meals program offers a valuable resource for families during the summer, ensuring that children and young adults continue to receive nutritious meals throughout the period most schools are on break. This not only helps to combat child hunger but also supports overall health and well-being during.