Conroe ISD Seeks Feedback on Proposed District of Innovation Plan
At its November 14, 2023 meeting, the Conroe ISD Board of Trustees adopted a resolution to initiate the process of renewing the District of Innovation (DOI) distinction. The Board also designated the District-Level Planning and Decision-Making Committee (DLPDMC), which includes teachers, administrators, parents, and community members, to develop the plan.
The DOI Committee met on January 10, 2024, and approved a draft plan, which is posted on the District’s website. Comments about the plan can be submitted via the web through February 11, 2024. The DOI Committee will review the submitted comments and hold an open meeting on February 14, 2024, after which, if a majority of committee members approve the plan, a presentation will be made to the Board of Trustees for approval at its February 20, 2024, meeting.
The Texas Education Code Chapter 12A establishes a process by which school districts can become “Districts of Innovation.” A DOI is a school district that has complied with the provisions of Chapter 12A to exempt themselves from provisions in the Texas Education Code that are not required of open-enrollment charter schools. The legislation was an effort by the 84th Texas Legislature to level the playing field between school districts and open-enrollment charter schools. According to the District, as a DOI, a school district’s board of trustees gain greater local control in its decision making, helping DOI districts become better positioned to be innovative and forward-thinking while continuing to comply with the state’s fiscal, instructional, and academic accountability requirements.
Conroe ISD first became a DOI in 2015 and exempted itself from Texas Education Code §25.0811 for First Day of Instruction. In 2020, the District added an additional provision to its DOI plan, Texas Education Code §21.003 for Certification Required. To maintain its DOI designation, the District must review and update its DOI plan every five years.
To view the proposed plan and submit feedback, please visit conroeisd.net/about/district-of-innovation.
Source: Conroe ISD