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CFISD Student of the Week: Laylee Taghizadeh�

CFISD Student of the Week: Laylee Taghizadeh�

October 16 2023

Cypress Creek High School junior Laylee Taghizadeh published a children’s book earlier this year titled The Boy Who Love Cookies. She is also an honor student and active on campus, serving as president of both the STEM Club and Science Olympiad. 

School: Cypress Creek High School  |  Age: 17  |  Grade: 11 

Accomplishments: Taghizadeh is an honor roll student who participated in a Creighton University internship over the summer. She currently serves on the Superintendent Student Leadership Committee and on campus as president of the STEM Club and Science Olympiad. She also recently published a children’s book. 

Favorite class: “My favorite class is Anatomy and Physiology because it is fascinating to learn about how the body works and functions to keep us alive every single day. The class also aligns with my aspirations of working in the healthcare field.” 

Favorite things to do after class: “I love to watch Gilmore Girls, read books, sing karaoke and spend time with my family.” 

­Favorite song:Timeless by Taylor Swift.” 

Favorite Website/App: “My favorite website is Google Calendar because it allows you to stay organized.” 

Favorite TV show: “My favorite show is Gilmore Girls because I love the characters and the storyline. The show is almost perfect for giving off fall vibes.” 

Favorite movie: “My favorite movie is Parent Trap because it’s a classic comfort movie and it’s really funny.” 

Ambition: “I hope to attend Rice University and study health science and later attend Baylor Medical School in hopes of becoming a pediatrician. I am fascinated by the workings of the human body and would like to combine that with my passion of working with children.” 

What topics/things are you passionate about?: “I am passionate about diversity in STEM. As STEM Club president, I have helped many students discover their passion and interest for the STEM field while also inspiring other students who once thought the STEM field was out of reach. I am also passionate about healthcare. When I wrote my children’s book last February, I wanted to incorporate health as an aspect of it which is why I chose to write a book encouraging children to wash their hands through cute rhymes and a relatable character. I am also passionate about leadership. This is shown through my leadership positions on campus and serving on the Superintendent Student Leadership Committee. I had the opportunity of participating in the SSLC Leadership Retreat and meeting many district officials and I am looking forward to serving on the committee for the rest of the year.” 

What inspires you?: “My ultimate inspirations are my parents. Both my mom and my dad immigrated to the United States in hopes of creating a better life for my family and have selflessly worked to make every opportunity available for me and have sacrificed so much.” 

What three things can’t you live without?: “I can’t live without my family, my friends and my calendar.” 

What are you most looking forward to this semester?: “I am most looking forward to diving more in-depth into my classes and the holiday season traditions that we conduct in the clubs and organizations that I am involved in.” 

Source: CFISD

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