Baldwin Boettcher Library Set to Make Its Comeback
Baldwin Boettcher Library will once again flourish in the heart of Mercer Botanic Gardens in Humble as it undergoes a reconstruction this year.
The library will be reconstructed to the same 10,000-square-foot building specifications as it was previously. It will feature a children’s reading area, makers’ space, conference room, circulation space, and computer area. Once constructed, the building will be managed by Harris County Public Library.
“The Baldwin Boettcher Library is a special place for this community,” said Precinct 3 Commissioner Tom Ramsey. “Since 1986, it has served as a hub for creative partnerships, education, programs, and outreach. Many children and their families have fond memories of this library, and we hope they’ll continue to make more once construction is completed.”
Throughout the years, the library has hosted summer reading programs and the Little Blue Library, which offers a small collection of books and other materials for borrowing. With its location at Mercer Botanic Gardens, visitors can also enjoy programming the Gardens have to offer, along with the newly constructed Mercer Visitor Center that hosts educational presentations, plant sales, and volunteer opportunities.
The estimated completion date for the Baldwin Boettcher Library is summer of 2024. Harris County is funding the $2.6 million project in conjunction with FEMA, who will reimburse over 75 percent of the cost.
For more information about this and all other Precinct 3 projects, email Pct3ServiceDept@pct3.hctx.net.
Source: Harris County Precinct 3