A Note From Your Lakeside Residential HOA
July 19 2022
Good news! As a resident in Harris County, Precinct 3 will repair your sidewalks at no cost to you! Fill out the form at Service Request Management (harriscountytx.gov). Select sidewalk maintenance under Category and Service Request Type. Complete the other name and address boxes and then wait to hear from them. They do not repair driveways. Thanks to Cathy Shook for sharing this important information!

If you have a palm tree that looks like this, the freeze killed it 2 years ago and it needs to be removed. It is a homeowner’s responsibility to remove dead trees so that our property values remain competitive.
To maintain our rising property values and attract buyers to our neighborhood, houses and yards must be maintained. To that end, drive through inspections are conducted by property management once a month. Items targeted now are exterior home maintenance and landscaping. Avoid fees, fines, and attorney costs by:
- Mowing and edging your lawn regularly.
- Weeding flowerbeds and maintaining shrubs.
- Trimming your trees. Dead palm trees and fronds should be removed. Other tree branches should be trimmed to no lower than 8 feet above the ground.
- Pressure washing your driveway, walkway, and sidewalks as needed.
- Removing weeds growing in expansion joints of driveway and sidewalks.
- Repairing sidewalks that have shifted becoming tripping hazards. Homeowners are responsible for maintaining their sidewalks!
- Cleaning home’s siding of unsightly mildew.
- Maintaining your fence by replacing broken pickets. The height must be 6’, no taller, including rot board.
Placing your trash & recycling receptacles out of sight. Do not leave them on the street or driveway.
These deed restrictions apply to you whether you own or are renting your home. Please coordinate responsibilities with your landlord if you are renting. It is important to know whose responsibility these maintenance issues are when renting a home.
Did you know that our annual assessments are the lowest by far in the area? Your board works to maximize every dollar to improve our neighborhood. Some improvements you might notice are:
- Cameras at the entrances on Cypress Rosehill & Cypress Lake Village Dr. and Baron Brook are assisting law enforcement in identifying the criminal elements plaguing the area. These cameras record car license plates leaving the neighborhood. SentriForce Security Services maintains the cameras, monitors the video, and provides video to police as needed. Plans are to add 2 more cameras at the other neighborhood entrances in the future.
- Pool grounds and buildings were pressure washed prior to pool opening. Doctor Wash – 832-970-6310
- Houston Fence – 281-377-4082 repainted and repaired the metal fences around the park, splash pad, and pool areas. They also repaired and re-stained the fence on Dahlia Glen Ln.
- Coming in 2022 – shade structures at the splash pad and pool. Have some ideas for needed improvements? Just email our property manager, Sherridda Williams. Her email is under the Important Contacts on p. 1.

Our waste and recycling company is Best Trash. Trash is picked up Mondays and Thursdays, recycling Thursdays only. Please have your cans at the curb by 7 a.m. To find out their holiday schedule, check the website at https://www.best-trash.com . Recycling Information
Yes, you can recycle:
dry, clean, and loose paper (newspaper, inserts, magazines, catalogs, junk mail, envelopes, file folders, cardboard, color paper, cereal and gift boxes, paper bags, wrapping paper, packaging paper, paperback, and hard cover books
milk & juice cartons
- wax-coated boxes
- shredded paper, paper towel & toilet paper rolls
- pizza boxes
- glass (clear & color)
- aluminum – cans, foil, foil plates & containers
- plastic bottles, jars, tubs & buckets (soda, water, milk, juice, liquor, detergent, condiments, salad dressing, butter, pet food containers, etc.)
- metal food cans (tin & steel)
- metal pots and pans
- gutters shorter than 4’
- empty aerosol cans
No, you can’t recycle:
- anything in plastic bags (goes directly into the landfill)
- used paper towels or tissues, soiled diapers
- plastic film
- yard waste
- clothing
- mirrors, wood, windows
- hoses, electrical cords
- paint
- coat hangers, light bulbs
- Styrofoam
- Furniture
Plastic grocery bags may be recycled at HEB, Kroger, Walmart, Lowe’s, and Target. Now that COVID restrictions have been removed, it is acceptable to take your reusable grocery bags when shopping to avoid bringing home those environmentally unfriendly plastic bags.
If you are repainting your home, adding a patio cover, or any other major upgrade to your home, request approval from the property manager FIRST by completing an ACC form. This and other forms are found on the Lakeside Residential website under For Residents > Online Forms. Note that required fees are charged based on the improvement type. Fees range from $25 (irrigation) to $1,000 (swimming pool-refundable). HOA Board members do NOT approve ACC requests. Those are handled directly by Inframark.
NOTE: If you are replacing a fence in the same location as the existing fence and making no modifications, no ACC form is needed. Also, no ACC form is needed for a storm door if it is all glass, and the frame matches the color scheme of the home. In addition, if replacing the roof and not making any color or materials change, no ACC form is needed.

Please remember to leash your dog while walking in and around the neighborhood. Even though you know your dog is friendly and no threat to others, other people don’t know that. Be respectful of your neighbors while walking pets.

Level 3 signifies a moderate, but controlled level of COVID-19 in Harris County, meaning a further demonstrated reduction in transmission and the local healthcare system is well within capacity. Unvaccinated individuals should continue to mask and physically distance. Fully vaccinated individuals should mask or physically distance where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance.