Yorktown Colony February News
The HOA dues were due by the end of January. To avoid an increase in next year’s assessments, all outstanding dues that are owed to the association need to be paid in full.
If you owe the association money, please contact Shannon Abernathy with the management company at 713-329-7130 to set up a payment plan.
Thank you all for your hard work that went into decorating your house and yards for Christmas. The neighborhood looked festive and sparkly. We look forward to seeing all of you again next year and a special thank you goes out to the top 3 winners.
First - 6514 Silver Poplar
Second - 6403 Allerton Street
Third - 6443 Allerton Street
Please make sure your Christmas decorations are taken down in a timely manner to avoid getting letters from the management company. Thank you.
Yorktown Colony Homeowners Association, Inc., Annual Meeting has been announced.
Date: February 24, 2022
Time: Sign in at 6:45 PM; meeting 7-8 PM
Location: Municipal District #102 Building @ 15300 Falmouth Ave. Houston, TX 77084
There are 2 positions to be filled on the HOA Board. Won’t you consider volunteering a little time for Yorktown Colony?
Should you have any comments or questions regarding the Annual Meeting or the Association, please do not hesitate to contact your community manager, Shannon Abernathy at 713-329-7130.
I know we don’t often have to worry about freezing temps here but it can sneak up on us. Protect your pets, plants and pipes.
MUD 102
Stay informed with the MUD District and sign up with www.hcmud102.org to receive emails.
The officers that patrol our neighborhood are contracted by us and are here to protect us and our property. They have no concern of your immigration status, so please call them.
If you see something, say something. Call the sheriff’s department 713-221-6000.
Lock your car doors and take your valuables out of your car.
Please remember when you are making modification to the exterior of your home and or your property you must submit an application for approval before any work begins. This will help you avoid costly “do-overs” or a Deed Restriction violation. To submit a request, log in on pmghouston.com website using My Account. On the top left side, you will click on Services and Amenities and then click Architectural Review. There you can submit a request.
For fabor, alludanos a conservar limpia nuestra colonia.rebisa, el frente y lado de tu casa, recoje los botes de basura, no, dejes cosas que se miran mal; en tu patio aci, bamos a evitar las cartas de h.o.a. muchas gracias. Juntos acemos la diferencia.
Management Company, the contact is Shannon Abernathy 713-329-7130 / s.abernathy@pmghouston.com.
Spanish Speaking Board Member Contact is Martha Muzquiz at 832-563-2207.