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Yorktown Colony News

Yorktown Colony News

November 29 2021

Happy Holidays! Have a safe and wonderful holiday season.



Christmas will be here before you know it. There will be a decoration contest and the winner will receive $50 gift card. More information will be available on Town Square.


Dogs Must Be Restrained When Outside Their Homes

I am posting a reminder regarding the reports of dogs off their leash. The number of reports of dogs off of their leash are increasing that there have been instances of dogs attacking people as well as their properly restrained dogs.

Please be aware that your dog must be on a leash at all times when not confined in your home or a fenced in yard. Not only is it a violation of your deed restrictions to allow your dog to roam freely, it is a violation of the Harris County Animal Regulation regarding leashed animal.

If you are aware of a dog that is chasing an individual, please report this violation to Harris County Animal Control at 281-999-3191. This should also be reported to the Harris County Sheriff’s Department at 832-927-7200, especially if there is a dog attack involved.

Please be courteous to your neighbors and consider the safety of your neighbors and make sure your dogs are restrained at all times.


Trash Talk 

Trash pickup is on Monday and Thursday. Trash bags need to be put in trashcans, we have tons of stray cats and other animals that get into the trash bags. Please remove your trashcans out of sight after trash pick up.



The Yorktown HOA Board has maintained the 2022 assessment at $365 per home. You will have  received your account statements in November and payments are due on January 1, 2022. It is important that you pay your assessments on time to avoid late fees and additional penalties in 2022. 



The officers that patrol our neighborhood are contracted by us and are here to protect us and our property. They have no concern of your immigration status, so please call them. If you see something, say something. Call the sheriff’s department 713-221-6000. Lock your car doors and take your valuables out of your car.


Vacation Watch

If you are planning a vacation for an extended time you can go to and you can submit a form for the Sheriff’s department to keep an eye on your house while you are away.


MUD 102

Stay informed with the MUD District and sign up with to receive emails.


Architectural and Modification review

Please remember when you are making modification to the exterior of your home and or your property you must submit an application for approval before any work begins. This will help you avoid costly “do-overs” or a Deed Restriction violation. To submit a request, log in on website using My Account. On the top left side, you will click on Services and Amenities and then click Architectural Review. There you can submit a request.


For fabor, alludanos a conservar limpia nuestra colonia.rebisa, el frente y lado de tu casa, recoje los botes de basura, no, dejes cosas que se miran mal; en tu patio aci, bamos a evitar las cartas de h.o.a. muchas gracias. Juntos acemos la diferencia.


Management Company, the contact is Shannon Abernathy 713-329-7130


Se Habla Española

Spanish Speaking Board Member Contacts are;

Martha Muzquiz 832-563-2207

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