WoodCreek Reserve Seeks Candidates for Board of Directors
This correspondence was derived from a Solicitation of Candidates letter that was mailed to residents by Crest Management.
An election will be held at the 2024 Annual Meeting of Members. There are three (3) positions up for election to two (2) year term(s).
If you would like to run for a position on the Board of Directors, please complete and return the Candidate Information Form so it is received no later than February 14, 2024. You may return it by:
- Mail to Woodcreek Reserve Community Association, P.O. Box 219320, Houston, Texas 77218-9320
- Email to kelleyw@Crest-Management.com
- Fax to 281-579-7062
Unless otherwise disqualified by law, your name will be placed on the ballot if you submit the Form by the deadline. If you choose to respond to the questions on the Form, your responses (not including your address, email, and phone number) may be distributed to the Members of the Association along with the 2024 Annual Meeting materials.
Please note that the Texas Property Code (“Code”) disqualifies a person from serving on the Board of Directors for a property owners association if the person has been convicted of a felony or crime involving moral turpitude in the past twenty years. In addition, the Code prohibits two persons who live at the same residence from serving on the Board of Directors at the same time.
A candidate who is interested in running for a position on the Board must be available to attend Board Meetings, and allow additional hours each week for Association projects, working on owner/resident issues, reading and answering emails, and serving in an appointed capacity such as an officer on the Board or a liaison to an Association Committee.
If you have any questions, please contact Kelley W at kelleyw@Crest-Management.com or 281-945-4659.