Windsor Park Estates Trash Info
Please do not put any trash out before Tuesday or Friday, day before pick up.
4/1/20 - Coronavirus Update
In response to the continuing effects of the Coronavirus and in observance of our employee's safety, we are asking that all waste be placed in plastic bags and tied off to avoid any direct contact with the garbage.
In addition, we are asking that you be mindful of the volumes being placed curbside. With schools, offices, and restaurants all closed, this volume is now being generated in the home and placed curbside. In addition, the seasonal "spring cleaning" is in full effect, more so than ever with the additional free time on most people's hands. This has caused our service times to be extended or delayed in some areas. Taking this into consideration, we are asking the following to help us better serve you:
Garbage Tips:
- Bag all garbage. Avoid loose waste in your container.
- Minimize yard waste by starting a compost pile or leaving clippings on your lawn.
- Minimize pruning and trimming of tree limbs.
- If using a contractor to maintain your yard or trim trees, have them haul away the green waste.
- Minimize bulk waste to the second collection day of the week.
Recycle Tips:
- Place loose in your cart or bin.
- If anyone in your household is exhibiting any symptoms of any illness, temporarily bag and dispose of your recyclables in your trash.