Williamsburg Settlement Lifeguard Stands Replaced
Now that the pool is closed for the 2023 season the Board has taken the opportunity to review the condition of the pool and its associated infrastructure. The pool itself is in good condition, requiring only the replacement of some tiles that had come loose and fallen off during the summer, and some of the No-Diving tiles on the pool deck. All these tile problems have been repaired.
The pool furniture was re-strapped at the beginning of the 2022 swim season and the diving board was replaced in 2021 so that is in excellent condition. Unfortunately, that could not be said about the lifeguard stands which have probably been in place since the pool was installed. From time to time we have replaced the seats on these stands and some of the steps, but this time inspection revealed more small cracks in some of the steps and quite a bit of corrosion on the support structure. With the safety of the lifeguards in mind the decision was made to replace both stands, and this has now been completed.
With these repairs and upgrades the pool is in excellent condition and ready for another great swimming season in 2024 for our residents to enjoy.