Williamsburg Settlement Assessments: Building a Strong and Vibrant Community Together
With 2023 now behind us, we are all shifting our focus to 2024, including your HOA Board and community management team. As we look ahead to 2024, we want to ensure the financial health of our HOA to best care for your neighborhood, which calls for HOA assessment dues to be submitted. Assessment dues serve as the lifeblood of our neighborhood, allowing us to continuously enhance our shared spaces and foster a sense of pride within our community. They enable us to plan and execute essential maintenance, future improvements, and even host neighborhood events.
As a friendly reminder, all annual assessments for Williamsburg Settlement are due at this time. Unfortunately, after January 31, payments not made will be considered late and late fees will be applied to homeowner accounts. Additionally, residents with delinquent accounts will no longer be eligible to rent the clubhouse or to obtain pool tags for the 2024 season.
Please be aware that residents with an account that has not been settled by March 4 will be sent a final demand letter, the $50 charge for which will be added to their account. Accounts which are still outstanding 30 days later will lose their trash and recycling service and be referred to the attorney for collection.
Residents who are unable to pay their assessment in full by January 31 can avoid these negative consequences by requesting a payment agreement allowing them to spread their payments over a number of months. Anyone wishing to take advantage of this option to call or email Laura, our accountant at Crest. Laura will be happy to work with you to produce a customized payment agreement tailored to accommodate your financial situation. There is a charge for payment agreement, and payment by credit card is another option to avoid becoming delinquent.
Laura can be reached at laura@crest-management.com, or by phone at 281-945-4639. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we work together to secure the financial health of our HOA, as well as the beautification and sustainability of our neighborhood.