Unpaid Annual Assessment Dues
May 30 2022
For any homeowner who still has not paid the annual dues by June, you will receive the final demand letter in June. According to our Collection Policy, after this final demand, if dues is still not paid, your account will be sent to the attorney’s office and thereafter communications will be between homeowner and attorney. Attorney fees will be added to your outstanding balance, as well as monthly $20 handling fees and late fees/interests. The Board will very much want to avoid attorney getting involved in collections. However, it is necessary if homeowners still do not pay their share of the annual fees by the half year mark. Expenses around the community still has to be paid, i.e. street lights, park maintenance, mosquito spraying etc… Without collecting these past due balances, it reduces the funds Board has to dispense to keep up with regular maintenance, and replace/redo various community equipment.