Trash Service Change
As of Tuesday, November 23rd, the MUD District’s contract with Best Trash has changed. Our new garbage days will now be TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. Recyclables will be picked up on FRIDAY only. Please make sure trashcans are out by 7AM on Tuesday and Friday. They should be removed from view by the end of the day. Any cans left longer will be subject to a potential deed restriction violation by the Homeowners Association.
If trash from yard clippings and other sources are placed on the curb after these days, they will need to be moved to the side/ back of your house, out of view from the street. Lawn companies should be reminded of this as well.
As a note, Best Trash is being paid to empty your trashcans from your garage door. Unless you desire, there isn’t any need to put your cans on the curb. They will be emptied from the front of your garage door.
On FRIDAYS, recyclables will still have to be placed at the curb; bins will not be emptied from the front of the garage door.
If you have any issues with trash pickup, please do not call Inframark. Contact Best Trash directly at:
Telephone: 281-313-2378 Fax: 281-313-2379