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The Houston Horizon Chorus Presents

The Houston Horizon Chorus Presents "Twice Upon A Time" Annual Show

June 05 2022

The award-winning Houston Horizon Chorus, a women's a capella chorus, presents their annual show, "Twice Upon A Time" at St. Andrew Lutheran Church in Houston on Saturday, June 25 at 4:00 PM. The show features the chorus, a women's premier chapter of Sweet Adeline's International, and a special guest performance by Sterling Quartet. To order tickets online, visit the chorus website at We hope to see you there!

About Houston Horizon Chorus

The Houston Horizon Chorus is an award-winning chorus that has been providing uniquely entertaining performances throughout the Houston area since 1981. We are a non-profit organization dedicated to the education of women in the art of singing four-part harmony, barbershop style. 

Houston Horizon is a premier chapter of Sweet Adelines International, a women's musical organization made up of over 33,000 voices across the nation and around the world. Sweet Adelines has a membership that represents 11 different countries, 750 choruses, and 1200 quartets. 

We are a part of The Great Gulf Coast Region 10, which includes many areas of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, representing these cities: Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Dallas, Ft. Worth, Temple, Richmond, Livingston, Angleton, Lindale, Irving, McAllen, San Angelo, Humble, Corpus Christi, Beaumont, Baton Rouge, Lafayette, Monroe, Ruston, New Orleans, and Mobile. Houston Horizon is a group of over 75 vocally talented women.

The Houston Horizon Chorus competed at the Sweet Adelines International Competition in New Orleans in September 2019. We are under the direction of Janet Burnett. Houston Horizon continues to grow and strive for excellence, while gaining the knowledge and experience to provide our audiences with quality entertainment at a professional level. We are proud of our membership!

We are not professional singers, but homemakers, teachers, volunteers, accountants, secretaries, computer technologists, nurses, doctors, and much more! We come together one night a week to share in the joy of singing with friends. The friends you will make in the chorus are friends you'll have for life. And not just here in Houston. We have friends all over the world singing in other choruses that we see at our Regional and International conventions. Being a Sweet Adeline is truly a hobby we have come to love and cherish.

Join Us

Do you love to sing in the shower? Do you croon in your car? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to perform on stage? Would you like more fun and excitement in your life? You are about to find it!

Getting To Know Us 

Houston Horizon is a women's barbershop chorus consisting of over 70 women ranging in age from 17 to 87. While we are from all backgrounds and all walks of life, we share the love of music, singing, and 4-part harmony. Singing, friendship, and good times are the reasons our members join and stay with us. Learn more and sign up to watch an interactive video. Find out how you can sing and perform with an organization that is a musical force in the United States and throughout the world! If you love to sing, we'd love to meet you! We are always looking for energetic, vocally talented women who are interested in being the best singers they can possibly be. The ability to read music is helpful, but not required. 

Contact Houston Horizon Chorus

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