Spring ISD Board of Trustees to Meet in Work Session Sept. 7 and Regular Session Sept. 12
The Spring Independent School District Board of Trustees will meet at 6 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 7 at the Gordon M. Anderson Leadership Center, located at 16717 Ella Blvd. The meeting will be streamed via Zoom.
The agenda includes a review of items that will be presented to the board for approval at the regular board meeting scheduled for 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 12 also to be streamed via Zoom.
A presentation of note on Thursday will include a board update on the state of Spring ISD Special Education Services.
The board is also slated to consider approving the contract with Always Be Learning, Inc. (ABL) to conduct a master schedule audit and develop local actionable analytics that identify opportunities to increase instructional time and reduce costs at all Spring ISD middle schools and four high schools (Westfield, Spring, Dekaney and Wunsche), and approval of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Junior Achievement of Southeast Texas, the Honored Foundation and OneGoal.
Other topics on the agenda include consideration of: approval of the affiliation agreement for Texas State University School of Social Work; approval of the affiliation agreement with Texas Southern University; approval of the Residency Partnership Agreement with Prairie View A&M University; consideration of adopting the Order to Cancel the 2023 Spring ISD Trustee Election; consideration of adopting a resolution to non business days relating to the Texas Public Information Act; approval of the Notice of Grant Award for the 2023-2025 School Safety Standards Grant (Fencing Project); approval of the resolution to update the district's eGrants.gov authorized official; approval of the Certification of Anticipated Collection Rate for Spring ISD; the ratification of the 2023 Appraisal Roll Certification; consideration of authorizing the Superintendent of Schools or a designee to negotiate, execute, and amend contracts for Request for Proposals (RFP) and Request for Qualifications (RFQ) that were approved at the August 8, 2023 regular board meeting; an interlocal contract between Texas Department of Information Resources (Texas DIR) and Spring ISD for future cybersecurity products and services; an update on the Intruder Detection Audit; a review of the report of cooperative purchases exceeding $50,000; and taxpayer refunds. See Full Agenda.
Members of the public may access the meetings using links that will be posted online at https://www.springisd.org/Page/7703 30 minutes before the start of the meeting.
Source: Spring ISD