Spring ISD Board of Trustees to Meet in Work Session Aug. 3 and Regular Session Aug. 8
The Spring Independent School District Board of Trustees will meet at 6 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 3 at the Gordon M. Anderson Leadership Center, located at 16717 Ella Bouevard. The meeting will be streamed via Zoom.
The agenda includes a review of items that will be presented to the board for approval at the regular board meeting scheduled for 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 8, also to be streamed via Zoom.
A presentation of note on Thursday includes an update on the Texas Education Agency’s refresh of the A-F Academic Accountability System, a discussion on appointing one delegate and one alternate to serve as Spring ISD's representative at the 2023 TASB Delegate Assembly, and endorsing candidates for open positions on the TASB Board of Directors.
The board is also slated to consider approving the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and The University of Texas at Austin, approval of the grant of $30,000 from the Communities Foundation of Texas to Spring Early College Academy, approval of the Clinical Placement Site Agreement with the Western Governors University, and the renewal of the contract for the Harris County Community Youth Services.
Other topics on the agenda include consideration of: approval of the Memorandum of Understanding with Texas A&M University for clinical teaching/educator placements between the university and Spring ISD; approval of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Sam Houston State University for the Alternative Certification Program Internship; approval of an agreement for payment in lieu of taxes agreement for Foreign-Trade Zone site; approval of awarding the contract for third party code review and Texas Accessibility Standards Services, instructional software/subscriptions, and related products and services; granting the Superintendent or a designee authority to purchase box trucks from a provider selected by the administration through a formal Request for Proposal (RFP); approving the architectural firm selected for the purchase and implementation of architectural professional services for the district's Education, Performance and Instruction Center (EPIC); approval of the architectural firm for the purchase and implementation of architectural professional services for Spring High School; approval of the pool of firms selected to be assigned potential contracts below $15 million for the purchase; approval of the pool of firms selected to be assigned potential contracts for required professional services related to construction from a provider selected by the administration through a formal Request for Qualifications (RFQ); a review of the report of cooperative purchases exceeding $50,000; and taxpayer refunds. See Full Agenda.
Members of the public may access the meetings using links that will be posted online at https://www.springisd.org/Page/7703 30 minutes before the start of the meeting.
Source: Spring ISD