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Southcreek Village News - June 2023

Southcreek Village News - June 2023

June 01 2023

It’s almost pool season! Autumn Laurel will be open all weekends in May then will be open full time starting Memorial Day weekend. Park Falls will open Memorial Day weekend.

We would like to welcome the following residents to Copperfield Southcreek.  We hope that you enjoy our community as much as we do.
  • The Sandoval Family

  • The Gallardo Family

  • The Prueitt Family

  • The Le Family

  • The Nookanaboina Family

  • The Ayala Family

  • The Su Family

  • The Rousan / Hurgoiu Family

  • Southcreek Board meetings are now in person on the 3rd Thursday of each month.
  • June 15th will be the next board meeting.
  • The meetings are held in the meeting room at the Autumn Laurel pool, 7750 Autumn Laurel.  Meeting information will be on UManage.

Note:  ACMP’s portal is UManage. 
Please follow the steps below to set up your account with ACMP:
  1. Visit
  2. Click on the green “Homeowner Login” tab on the bottom left hand corner. This will pull up a page to set up your login.
  3. Click the “Initial Login” tab.
Fill out the blanks by using your name/email and the below:
Account Number: Your account number is on the letter you received from ACMP or you can call ACMP at 281-855-9867 to ask for your account number.
  1. Once this has been completed you will see: Your initial login name and password has been sent to the email address you entered.
  2. You will receive an email from  Click on the registration link and follow the instructions in the email to usename/password.
  3. After you are fully registered, you can access your account by logging in through under the “Homeowner Login” tab using the Username and password that you selected during your registration process.
Great Blue Heron Great Egret Yellow-Crowned Night Heron
Little Blue Heron Snowy Egret Cattle Egret


Long-legged migratory water birds known as egrets and herons are important components of Texas wildlife and are part of the natural predator-prey cycle.  However, when they make their homes in our yards or adjacent to the Copperfield neighborhood amenities (pools and playgrounds) their presence becomes an issue due to noise, odor, excrement, and protentional health hazards.  Depending on the breed of bird, the nesting season can begin as early as February (Yellow-Crowned Night Heron) and March (Cattle Egret, Great Egret, Great Blue Heron, Little Blue Heron, and Snowy Egrets), and can last through October.  So now is the time to familiarize yourself with the variety that have been in our area in previous years.  (See images below).  To prevent the development of a rookery, now is the time to be on the lookout for the return of these birds.
These birds are protected under the U.S. Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 and it is illegal to pursue, hunt, take, wound/injure, capture, kill, sell or transport any migratory bird, nest, egg or part thereof.  However, there are steps that we can take to reduce the chance of the birds nesting in our neighborhood.
What CAN you do? 
  • Watch for the sentry birds. They are the “scout” birds that arrive prior to the herons and egrets.
  • Use a combination of scaring devices BEFORE migratory birds lay eggs.
  • As soon as you see birds on or near your property, begin using a combination of scare tactics.
  • Noise deterrents: Predator calls, noisemakers, water spray (do not spray them directly), or shine lights at night.
  • Visual deterrents: Hang “scary eye” balloons or other moving objects (mylar streamers) in trees.
  • Use long poles, or water hoses to disturb EARLY nesting material.
What you CANNOT do.
  • Harm birds or eggs. These birds are protected and harming them could result in fines and/or jail time. 
  • You cannot harass or disturb the birds when they are actively nesting. Once a bird in the area begins sitting on a nest, eggs are probably present and you can no longer harass any bird in the area.   
  • DO NOT attempt to handle birds or eggs.
It is legal to use scare tactics if there are no active nests. This means that ALL harassment and scare tactics MUST STOP once the first egg is laid.

Want to get more involved in your neighborhood, but don’t know who to ask?
The Southcreek Board is made up of residents who volunteer their time to enrich our community.  We are looking for other eager residents to also serve as volunteers to help out on numerous committees.  The Board believes that if our community has a strong volunteer base, then our neighborhood will shine and prosper.  We have several committees that could use volunteers:  Architectural Review Committee, Crime Watch Committee, Deed Restriction Committee, Pool and Parks Committee, and the Social Committee.  We also have a need for Block Captains.  If you would like more information about how to get involved or would like to volunteer, please contact Judith Carey at Getting involved in your community is a great way to meet neighbors. Thanks to our residents for considering these positions!

  • My Neighborhood News has now been changed to an online newsletter.
  • Here is the link to subscribe to My Neighborhood News:
  • Once you open the link, hit the menu bar, you will have the opportunity to subscribe to the newsletter by adding your email.  The newsletter will then be sent to your email. 

  • Right now, we still have 20 streets that need Block Captains in our neighborhood.
  • Do you have a Block Captain?  If not, consider becoming a Block Captain.
  • Do you want to know what’s going on in your neighborhood? BE A BLOCK CAPTAIN.
Block captains receive emails from the Block Captain Chairman, Bryne Liner.  The emails let you know what’s going on in our neighborhood.
We ask that once the Block captains receive an email, they pass the information on to the other neighbors on their street. Being a Block captain requires a relatively small amount of time, but the block captain plays a very important role in our community.
If you would like information about who your block captain is or would like to be a block captain, you can contact Bryne Liner at

You may be considering making some home improvements on your house in the near future. For a major improvement on the outside of your home, you must fill out an ARC application.
ARC application forms are on and  Completed applications can be sent via email to or can be delivered to ACMP at their office, 15840 FM 529 Suite 104.  ARC Applications to ACMP will be processed in a timely manner, when they include selections already approved by Southcreek ARC guidelines. 
Selections that are not currently approved by ARC guidelines will be sent to the ARC Committee for review.
If an application is not approved by the ARC Committee, the homeowner can appeal to the HOA Board.
Some of the most common improvements needing an ARC application.
  • Fences
  • Roofs
  • Painting the Exterior
  • Adding Vinyl or Hardi-Plank Siding
  • Basketball Goals
  • Building Additions
  • Patio Covers
  • Play Structures
  • Tree Removal and Replacement
  • Landscape Bordering
  • Garage Doors
  • Doors
  • Windows
  • Pools
For more information about the ARC Application process, contact ACMP.
To ensure that the aesthetic integrity of Southcreek Village is being maintained, periodic site inspections are performed by ACMP twice each month.
If you happen to receive a deed restriction violation notice, please do not ignore it, or disregard it.  It is always best to reach out to the management company right away to let them know either that you have taken care of the violation, have plans to do so, or are unable to do so right away.  Please contact Ashley at ACMP via email to
This communication is important because subsequent letters from the Association can result in additional costs for the homeowner for certified mail fees and even legal fees if the issue persists with no response.
Copies of Southcreek Village's governing documents are posted on

Report any suspicious activity to the Harris County Sheriff’s non-emergency line at 713-221-6000, Option 6. Remember—the patrolling Sheriff’s deputies depend on us as much as we depend on them.
  1. Keep your eyes and ears open for any suspicious activity in the neighborhood. For example, if you see activity at a neighbor’s house when they would normally be at work, call the Sheriff’s non-emergency number so that this can be investigated.
  2. Lock your vehicles on the street or in your driveway. Burglarized Motor Vehicles are unlocked 98% of the time.
  3. Don’t keep valuables in your car. This includes cell phones, GPS systems, IPODS, etc.  A burglar can smash the window and steal the contents of your car in less than 45 seconds.
  4. Have a neighbor or relative pick up your newspapers, mail, and in general anything around your home that could indicate you are not there.

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