Registration Now Open for Williamsburg Settlement Dolphins Swim Team
The Williamsburg Settlement Dolphins are excited for another amazing swim team season. We can’t wait to see the faces of our returning swim families and are excited to meet new ones!
Team registration is open for the 2024 season! The first practice will be Monday, April 29 and swim meets will begin after Memorial Day weekend. For more information and to register, visit wsstdolphins.com.
We’re looking forward to our first meet, the “Blue and Purple Meet”, which will be held Tuesday, May 28. This is the only swim meet held at the Williamsburg Settlement pool, as we are fortunate enough to have our other home meets at Morton Ranch High School. The Blue and Purple meet is a practice meet that gives the coaches a chance to get race times of swimmers; as well as giving newer and younger swimmers the chance to experience a meet before the real thing.
We couldn’t do it without our awesome sponsors, swim parents, swim board and our amazing coaches. We’ll welcome back Anna Ng for her 2nd season as head coach of the Dolphins.
Bernie Hall, WS Dolphins President