Reach Unlimited Adopts ALC-West in Cy-Fair ISD
Representatives from Reach Unlimited visited the staff at Alternative Learning Center-West (ALC-West) on Feb. 7 to officially announce its Adopt-a-School partnership with the CFISD campus.
CFISD’s Adopt-a-School program pairs schools with community organizations and business partners to utilize resources of the community to strengthen and enrich the quality of education for students. ALC-West provides an alternative educational placement for special populations of 6th-12th grade students.
Dr. Lauren Black, executive director of Reach Unlimited, expressed interest in partnering with one of CFISD’s special program facilities after having formerly served as director of CFISD’s Carlton Center.

We know how hard you work every day and we thank you because you’re changing kids’ lives,” she told the ALC-West staff during the announcement. “We thank you for allowing us to come and partner with you.”
Reach Unlimited provides support services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Located in Cypress, the program serves nearly 300 individuals with a variety of programs, large learning facility and 23 group homes that operate 24/7.
“It’s an honor to partner with an organization that focuses on providing an enriching life for special populations and also recognizes the hard work of our ALC-West Life Changers at our specialty campus,” said Derrick Crowder, ALC-West principal. “The support we’ll receive from this adoption helps validate our staff’s efforts, who give 100% to help our students make better choices, focusing on progression over perfection and reaching their full potential. We are genuinely grateful to Reach Unlimited and have no doubt that our school community will benefit significantly from this adoption! It’s a great day to be a Life-Changer!”
For more information on the Adopt-a-School program, contact Dawn Tryon, director of community engagement, at 281-894-3950 or dawn.tryon@cfisd.net.
Source: CFISD