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PSA: September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
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PSA: September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

September 01 2022

Today marks the beginning of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month is an annual national health campaign organized by major childhood cancer organizations to increase awareness of pediatric cancer and to raise funds for research into its cause, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure. In 2012, President Obama proclaimed September as National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month to bring awareness to pediatric cancer, the leading cause of death by disease for children under the age of 14. The color gold and the gold ribbon are symbols of support for children affected with cancer.


Facts About Childhood Cancer

  • 43 children in the U.S. are diagnosed with cancer every day.
  • About 400,000 children and adolescents are diagnosed with cancer each year worldwide.
  • Nearly 10% of children with cancer develop the disease because they inherited a genetic mutation.
  • Cancer is the leading cause of death by disease past infancy for U.S. children. 
  • Thanks to better therapies, more than 80% of U.S. childhood cancer patients now become long-term survivors.
  • Survival rates vary depending on the type of cancer.
  • About 483,000 childhood cancer survivors live in the U.S., with many more around the world.
  • More than 95% of childhood cancer survivors have significant treatment-related health issues.

Local Boots on the Ground

Houston is known internationally as the home of one of the best medical communities in the world. With renowned cancer treatment institutions specializing in pediatric research and care throughout the Houston area, our community has a deeply rooted passion for supporting childhood cancer patients and their families in the fight against childhood cancer. Rallying behind pediatric patients, their families and their medical institutions who work tirelessly to treat them, there are dozens of organizations right here in the Greater Houston Area who are part of the fight against childhood cancer. Check out the list below and learn about how you can help support childhood cancer patients in treatment, recovering childhood cancer patients and their families.

Joe Joe Bear Foundation

The Joe Joe Bear Foundation is a children's charity based in Katy, Texas that serves children and families nationwide. This organization was created in memory of Joseph David Ordaz, who passed away on March 10, 2009 from Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia at the age of 24. Keeping Joe’s memory alive by helping others in the same situation, the Joe Joe Bear Foundation provides teddy bears and educational resources to hospitals and hospices nationwide. In the past 12 years, over 40,000 bears have been given to critically ill children. To learn more about how you can get involved, please visit their website.

Heroes for Children

Heroes for Children advocates for and provides financial and social assistance to families with children (0-22 years of age) battling cancer. Since 2004, Heroes for Children has provided $7 million to over 7000 Texas families in need through their financial and social assistance programs. The organization's vision is that no family with a child battling cancer will fight alone. To learn more about how you can get involved, please visit their website.


Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Family Alliance was founded in 1992 by two families of children with cancer FOR families of children with cancer to be a light in the darkness. Every day, this organization provides emotional, educational, and practical support to families of children with cancer. Candlelighters serves all children with cancer and their families at every stage of their journey. Their support extends to families of children on-treatment, long term survivors, adult survivors, and those whose child lost their battle with cancer. All of their programs and services are offered at no cost to families of children with cancer. To learn more about how you can get involved, please visit their website.

B.I.G. Love Cancer Care

B.I.G. Love Cancer Care was established in February of 2007 in memory of Brooke A. Phillips with one primary focus—easing the childhood cancer journey. B.I.G. Love Cancer Care’s core mission is to meet the most basic and urgent physical, emotional, and financial needs of pediatric oncology and hematology patients and their families. Serving over 100,000 patients and their families each year, B.I.G. Love provides food, clothes, toiletries, gas cards, beds, medical supplies, toys, funeral help, and more throughout the year right here in Houston. To learn more about how you can get involved, please visit their website.


The Periwinkle Foundation develops and provides programs that positively change the lives of children, young adults and families who are challenged by cancer and other life-threatening illnesses and are cared for at Texas Children’s Hospital. Periwinkle’s mission is realized through a continuum of camps, arts, and survivor programs which accompany a child and their family from diagnosis, through treatment, and into remission. To learn more about how you can get involved, please visit their website.

Sunshine Kids

The Sunshine Kids Foundation provides exciting, positive group activities and opportunities for children with cancer so they may once again do what Kids are meant to do… have fun and celebrate life. Founded by Rhoda Tomasco in 1982, she had a vision to provide young cancer patients with opportunities to participate in positive group activities which promoted self-esteem, personal accomplishment and just plain, old-fashioned fun. Today, thousands of children from hospitals across the country have reaped the benefits of The Sunshine Kids Foundation’s many programs and national and regional events. To learn more about how you can get involved, please visit their website.

Texas Children's Cancer and Hematology Center

New toys, games and personal items may be donated to children and adolescents with cancer and blood disorders undergoing treatment at Texas Children's Cancer and Hematology Center. The items are largely enjoyed by patients currently staying in the inpatient unit or bone marrow transplant unit. They may also be distributed to patients visiting our outpatient clinics. Typically, they are most in need of items that would appeal to our adolescent patients, although there remains an ongoing need for items suitable for all ages. To learn more about what and how to donate, please visit their website. Also, learn more about how you can get involved by volunteering, propose an event and more by visiting this website.

Gulf Coast Region Blood Centers

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month (CCAM) is recognized every September by childhood cancer organizations around the world. In an effort to bring more awareness and remind people how vital blood donations are in the cancer patient's recovery journey, Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center donors will receive a pair of Blood Center limited edition socks that raise awareness for childhood cancer. Find a blood center near you and schedule your appointment today through this website.

MD Anderson Children's Cancer Hospital

For patients and families at MD Anderson Children's Cancer Hospital, hope is real. It is found through the care provided by their doctors and nurses, and by people they may never know, such as you. There are many ways you can help such as volunteering, giving blood, fulfilling their wishlist, and more. To learn more about how you can get involved, please visit their website.

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