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Neighborhood Reps Needed in Cinco Ranch I

Neighborhood Reps Needed in Cinco Ranch I

February 22 2024

Is your neighborhood being properly represented? Neighborhood Reps across Cinco Ranch I are needed!

Cinco Ranch I is subdivided into 34 neighborhoods and the Neighborhood Representative Committee (NRC) play several key roles including, casting all the household votes to elect the board of directors and make needed changes to our governing documents.

Unfortunately, a few neighborhoods are still unrepresented, so those homes have no vote in important matters. We hope to change this by finding folks that might be interested in being appointed to fill vacancies.

If you live in one of the below neighborhoods and are interested in the workings of the CRPA, please consider serving as your Neighborhood Representative for:

  1. Highland Park East (Laurel Springs, Shadow Pointe)
  2. Highland Park North ( Greenwood Grove, Sterling Ridge, Wellington Place).
  3. Meadow Place
  4. Park View/Park Hollow

If you are unaware of which neighborhood you live in, please go to the Neighborhood Representative Map and locate your address by clicking on this link: are also Alternate Voting Representatives positions available in all neighborhoods.

For more information, please send an email to Thank you for being an active part of your neighborhood!

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