National Night Out at Copperbrook
It's time once again to celebrate this family fun event sponsored by Harris County MUD130 in collaboration with Copperbrook HOA. We are currently looking for donations to add to the Deputies gift baskets. If you would like to volunteer, let us know. We look forward to another successful event.
A little history on National Night Out:
This event was started by Deputy Sandeep Dhaliwal with less than 50 attendees at the Copperbrook Community Park. After the Charles W Austin park was completed, we moved the event to include all of the communities within MUD130. Our last event in 2019 was attended by over 2000 attendees. This year, Deputy Dhaliwal's family and Copperbrook will be hosting a Breakfast at the Park to honor Sandeep Dhaliwal for his contributions to our community and throughout Houston. This event will take place Monday, Sept. 27th from 10:00 am - 11:00 am. We invite you to attend both events, and join us to celebrate his enthusiasum, commitment, and dedication to his positon with the Sheriff Dept. and to everyone he touched. In loving Memory, we continue his legacy.