National DIY Day
There are two cricial elements involved in determining whether we're going to tackle a project ourselves or leave it to the experts: time and money. In most cases, it costs less to do something ourselves. But the cost of doing it ourselves is the time it takes us away from other things we need or want to do. What if, for those of us who need a bit more convincing to do it ourselves, we flipped the script and looked at DIY in a new light? Save money, use our time to do something ourselves (even if it takes a few YouTube how-to videos and some trial and error) and enjoy the fruits of our labor when we're finished. Sounds pretty good, right?
For those who are seasoned DIYers, it's a matter of carving out the time, making that initial trip to your project's supply store, and getting started. Using our hands to create something tangible is a rather lost art in our digital, fast-paced world. That's why it's so important to make the time, honor the value in creating something on your own, and in the process, usually save money. It's even more rewarding when you do it with someone else - your kids, spouse, friend, parent, anyone you care about. The reward of creating something, whether on your own or with someone you love, is immeasurable.
- Build a bird house for the migratory birds returning for the summer
- Knit a blanket for a baby on the way, or for a charitable organization in town
- Bake a cake and decorate it in a way you never have before using how-to videos on YouTube or books
- Paint something - still life, portrait, outdoor scene... anything you find beautiful
- Wash you car inside and out (make an afternoon of it and ask your kids to help!)
- Give your dog a bath instead of taking them to the groomer
- Build a picnic table or bench for your backyard or for a park in an underserved community (contact your city's parks and recreation department to coordinate)
- Plant new flowers in your flowerbeds and spread fresh mulch when finished
- Paint a room in your house with a bright, fresh color that livens the space and makes you smile
Whether you're out of practice, brand new to the DIY scene or a veteran, habitual DIYer, the common thread across all three groups is confidence. With "a little trust and fairy dust", you can do it! But seriously, like most things, with a foundation of confidence, we can accomplish so much more than we can ever imagine. There will be bumps in the road, mistakes made, more trips to your project's supply store than you ever thought you'd need, and maybe even a few moments where you want to throw in the towel. Just remember the joy you had when you first set out on your project, take breaks when you need them to recharge your batteries and reassess, ask for help when you need it, and keep going! Best of luck in choosing and carrying out your DIY project - you've got this!