Morton Ranch High School Teacher Earns State Award for Achievement in the Classroom
Philip Gustafson, a science teacher at Morton Ranch High School, has recently gained distinguished recognition as a T.E.A.C.H. (Texas Educators Achieving Classroom Honors) Award laureate. This acknowledgment comes from the Texas ASCD (Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development) chapter.
This esteemed award is conferred to educators with under five years of classroom experience who have demonstrated unique, efficient teaching processes. The recipients are those who advocate, motivate, and push their students to flourish and succeed at high standards.
Reacting to his recognition, Gustafson expressed, “I am honored and grateful to be selected for this award, and just knowing that someone nominated me was very touching. I truly appreciate the support and guidance I have received from my campus and district administrators.” He further acknowledged his team saying, “Without their assistance and support, I could not have been as successful working with my students.”
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Gustafson's distinction will be celebrated at the Texas ASCD Conference, planned for later this month in Irving, Texas, where he will join the other laureates of this year.
For over eight decades, ASCD has provided invaluable assistance to teachers and educational leaders. Additional details about the Texas chapter can be found on their official website at www.txascd.org.