March News From Your HOA
The Copper Village Community Association Board of Directors is pleased to announce the resumption of in person monthly meetings. Until further notice, the monthly meetings will be held at the West Houston Church of Christ, 17100 West Road. We will be meeting at the church for the next few months to allow homeowners space for comfortable social distancing.
We will have signage showing the exact meeting room. These meetings will be held on the 3rd Monday of each month at 6:30 PM and we hope that many of you will choose to attend.
Dues assessments were due by January 31st and are now considered delinquent. Interest is accruing as of February 1st. Please contact Inframark if you have any questions.
Garage Sale: Saturday, April 2nd from 7 AM to 12 Noon
Pool opens weekends starting May 7th, hours are 12 Noon to 8 PM.
Annual Board Meeting: Monday, May 16th, at 6:30 PM at West Houston Church of Christ, 17100 West Road.
Pool Opens for Daily Operation beginning Friday, May 27th. Daily pool operations are Tuesday through Sunday from 12 Noon to 8 PM.
June 11th or June 18th: Tentative Dates for the beginning of summer pool party. More detail and an exact date to follow.
Garage Sale: Saturday, October 8th from 7 AM to 12 Noon.
The MUD District’s contract with Best Trash has changed. Our new garbage days will now be TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. Recyclables will be picked up on FRIDAY only. Please make sure trashcans are out by 7AM on Tuesday and Friday. They should be removed from view by the end of the day. Any cans left longer will be subject to a potential deed restriction violation by the Homeowners Association.
If trash from yard clippings and other sources are placed on the curb after these days, they will need to be moved to the side/back of your house, out of view from the street. Lawn companies should be reminded of this as well.
As a note, Best Trash is being paid to empty your trashcans from your garage door. Unless you desire, there isn’t any need to put your cans on the curb. They will be emptied from the front of your garage door.
On FRIDAYS, recyclables will still have to be placed at the curb; bins will not be emptied from the front of the garage door.
If you have any issues with trash pickup, please do not call Inframark. Contact Best Trash directly at:
Telephone: 281-313-2378 / Fax: 281-313-2379
Homes in the subdivision can only be leased for a MINIMUM of 6 months. Anyone who leases/rents their homes MUST provide the first page of the Rental Agreement to Inframark. Additional details about the process to provide this information can be found on TownSquare.
It is a Deed Restriction Violation if homeowners do not provide the proper documentation. If your home is already leased or rented, please provide rental information to Inframark at your earliest convenience so that you will not be in any violation.
We have had numerous complaints lately about the number of cars being parked at certain houses. Society has evolved over the years from one car to multiple-car households; unfortunately, the developers of the subdivisions didn’t allocate enough space for parking. Associations are at a loss about how to control parking; it is an issue that is fraught with challenges and abuses.
The streets belong to the County; the HOA is unable to enforce traffic laws as there is nothing in the covenants that limit the number of personal vehicles a Resident may have. If a resident feels there is an issue with parking, i.e., location of vehicle, blocking site lines, parking in front of fire hydrants, etc., you may call the Harris County Sheriff’s Office on the non-emergency line, which is 713-221-6000. As much as we would like to do something about this issue, our hands are really tied on it. Therefore, your best course of action would be to call the Sheriff’s office directly.
Inframark, our Property Management Company, has a website that homeowners can log into to access current Association information. The website is: townsquare.nabrnetwork.com; the site is constantly being updated to provide the latest association news. You are also able to see all pertinent governing documents related to the association.
All homeowners will need to register to access this website. Currently there are less than one-half of the homeowners registered. Please register to be able to access this website so that you can stay abreast of neighborhood happenings.
Thank you to those who have cleaned your bronze street number plate on your home exterior. PLEASE make sure your house number is visible from the street. You might need to lower the shrubs that are blocking the visibility of your house numbers. Or polish/clean the plate. This is very important because in the event an emergency vehicle needs to find you and can’t, it might be critical in time lost.
Go to www.smarteraboutwater.org and set up your yard watering. Did you know landscape irrigation can account for up to 50% of annual household water use? The great tool will help you set your watering stations to conserve you water. Do it today.
To mow and edge your yard on a regular basis during the growing season. No grass should be growing onto the driveway, curb or sidewalk.
- To kill or pull weeds growing in the expansion joints of your driveway, sidewalk or in your flower beds.
- To prune and groom all shrubs and trees on your property.
- To trim any tree branches that hang low over your sidewalk or into the street.
- To add mulch around trees and in the flower beds at least once a year or whenever needed. (if the tree roots are showing, either apply mulch or dirt and new sod)
- To remove mildew or mold from any brick or siding or concrete.
Homeowners - NOTE: If you have a manhole on your property that has major cracks or you feel is unsafe due to the uneven surface, this is what you need to know. If the sidewalk is sinking around SANITARY sewer manholes contact H 2 O at 281-861-6215 (this number is on the water bill). If it says City of Houston STORM SEWER, that is the responsibility of the county. Please call Tracy McKay, who works for County Precinct #3. Her number is: 281-463-8703. Thank you for your careful attention.
Copper Village homeowners, would you go outside sometime in the next month to make sure your streetlights are working on your block? If they are dim or blinking or out, you can help us by going online to: http://centerpointenergy.com/outage or call 713-659-2111. The online form will ask you to give them the vertical numbers listed on the pole and a nearby address and then DONE! Centerpoint will come out within 5 days to replace the light. This helps keep our blocks totally lit up. Thank you CV - you are the BEST NEIGHBORS.