KISD Regular Board Meeting on July 25
The next Regular Board Meeting of the Katy Independent School District Board of Trustees to be held on Monday, July 25, 2022 in the Education Support Complex Board Room located at 6301 South Stadium Lane, Katy, Texas 77494. The Open Meeting will begin at 5:00 p.m.
NOTE: In accordance with Katy ISD Board Policy BE (LEGAL) and BE (LOCAL), a video and audio recording shall be made of all meetings of the Board that are held in the Board Room. The Board shall make available an archived copy of the recording on the Internet not later than seven days after the date the recording was made and shall maintain the archived recording on the Internet for not less than two years. A Livestream of each Regular Board meeting will be available through the website connected to the above referenced "Watch Livestream" link by approximately 5:20 p.m. the day of the meeting.