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June Yard of the Month

June Yard of the Month

June 02 2022


The June Yard of the Month is awarded to Ron and Karen Mace of 1519 Durfey Lane.

Ron and Karen have lived in the Settlement for 30 years - since 1991! They have two adult sons, Jason and Cameron. Jason lives in Katy and is a lighting/sound designer for a variety of entertainment venues. Cameron, his wife and baby live in Topsfield, MA where he is a computer engineer with a large company. They have one beautiful granddaughter who is 8 months old.

Ron and Karen are enjoying retirement. Ron enjoys reading, walking, biking, outdoor work, and traveling. Karen enjoys playing Pickleball, walking, biking, swimming, and gardening of course! Karen continues to play competitive Tennis and has done so for almost 30 years and absolutely loves it. Of course, they also both enjoy visiting and playing with their grand baby.

The Maces were drawn to our family-friendly subdivision with its mature trees, and having the Elementary school within the subdivision for their boys was a big plus. They’ve seen many changes over 30 years and still enjoy how quiet and accessible everything is to the subdivision. Karen especially enjoys being able to play on the Tennis league within the Settlement.

Since the “big freeze” of 2021, their yard has gone through many changes. After losing many mature plants (evergreens) they started redesigning their front yard last year by edging all the front flowerbeds with bricks. Only a few plants survived - ligustrum cones, Japanese blueberry trees, and two large yupon holly bushes. This year, newly planted boxwoods and coral drift roses are placed along the front of the house. Begonia’s and dusty miller fill the giant urn, which belonged to Karen’s parents, and now has a new home. Pentas, begonias, snapdragons, vinca, blue salvia, geraniums, amaryllis, agapanthus, and a firecracker plant provide color throughout the year.

Thank you, Ron and Karen Mace, for your many years of helping to maintain the beauty within the Settlement. Congratulations on being Williamsburg Settlement Yard of the Month for June 2022.


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