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July 4th Reminders

July 4th Reminders

June 20 2022

As the July 4th holiday approaches residents are again asked to show consideration to their neighbors by respecting the ban on letting off fireworks in the subdivision. Fireworks can beautiful and fun for the kids, but as well as the potential danger from injury and fires if not used properly, the majority of our residents do not appreciate the loud disruptive noise that they cause, especially late at night, nor the litter that is left on our streets afterwards. Fireworks also cause major anxiety and distress to pets.

The Harris County Fire Marshal suggests considering alternative ways to celebrate or attending a professionally organized firework show.

If you feel compelled to set off fireworks, please go to a safe area outside of our subdivision and follow the Harris County Fire Marshal’s Office safety recommendations including:
  • Read and follow the directions and warning labels on fireworks packaging.
  • Never allow children to play with or ignite fireworks.
  • Light only one firework at a time.
  • Do not point fireworks at homes, buildings, or people.
  • Never consume alcohol or drugs while shooting fireworks.
  • Make sure there is a bucket of water or water source nearby for emergencies.
  • Soak used fireworks prior to disposing of them in the trash.

Remember that our pool is open for business on July 4th so we look forward to having a good celebratory turnout for the holiday, and here’s wishing you all an enjoyable and safe July 4th.

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