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Join Us for the Lakes on Eldridge HOA Board Meeting

Join Us for the Lakes on Eldridge HOA Board Meeting

September 17 2024

Hello, Lakes on Eldridge residents!

We’re excited to remind you about our upcoming HOA Board meeting on September 24, 2024! At Lakes on Eldridge, we truly value keeping our community informed and engaged, and these meetings are a great opportunity for you to stay connected with what’s happening in our neighborhood.

Join us at the clubhouse located at 12750 Lake Center Run, Houston, TX 77041. The evening will kick off with an executive session at 5:30 PM, followed by the open session at 6:15 PM. This is your chance to hear updates from the board, ask questions, and share your thoughts on community matters.

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We encourage all residents to participate, as your input is invaluable in shaping the future of our community. Let’s come together, share ideas, and work towards making Lakes on Eldridge an even better place to live.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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