Harris County Residents Urged to Prepare Early as National Hurricane Preparedness Week Kicks Off
May 07 2024
The Harris County Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Management (HCOHSEM) reminds residents that National Hurricane Preparedness Week has begun. HCOHSEM encourages residents to begin pre-season preparations before the start of hurricane season on June 1st.
“With less than a month until the 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season, HCOHSEM urges all residents to begin preparing now,” said Harris County Emergency Management Coordinator Mark Sloan. “Being prepared is a shared responsibility, and everyone needs to do their part. Use these next few weeks to create your disaster supply kit, develop a personalized plan, and stay informed.”
HCOHSEM is promoting National Hurricane Preparedness Week by offering preparedness tips on Facebook and X but encourages each individual to know their risks and plan for their families’ individual needs. Help create a prepared Harris County by:
- Preparing your home. Take some time to strengthen your home prior to severe weather. Secure loose objects outside of your home and weatherproof the exterior.
- Buying flood insurance. Homeowners, renters, and business owners are encouraged to buy flood insurance through their insurance agent. Residents who may already have coverage should check the status of their policy to be sure it has not lapsed. Remember that flood insurance policies from the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) normally carry a 30-day waiting period and are not sold when there is an active tropical cyclone in the Gulf of Mexico. For more information, visit www.FloodSmart.gov.
- Knowing your weather terms. Weather terms have different meanings and require specific actions. Do you know the difference between a warning, watch, advisory, and outlook?
- Knowing your evacuation zone. Residents who live in an evacuation zone need to learn their evacuation routes and follow instructions from local authorities. To determine if your home is located in an evacuation zone, check the Zip Zone Evacuation Map.
- Keeping your gas tank at least half full. If an evacuation is ordered, gas stations may be closed. Make sure you have enough fuel to reach your destination.
- Signing up with the State of Texas Emergency Assistance Registry (STEAR) online or calling 2-1-1 to register. STEAR is a free service available to residents with access and functional needs, and individuals who may need transportation assistance.
“It only takes one storm to devastate our community. We may not be able to prevent these storms, but we can take the appropriate steps to prepare,” added Sloan.
The Atlantic Hurricane Season officially begins June 1 and lasts through November 30. Stay informed by following HCOHSEM updates at ReadyHarris.org, on social media, and by signing up for Ready Harris Alerts or Ready Harris Accessible Alerts and text GULF2024 to 888777 for 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season updates.
The Atlantic Hurricane Season officially begins June 1 and lasts through November 30. Stay informed by following HCOHSEM updates at ReadyHarris.org, on social media, and by signing up for Ready Harris Alerts or Ready Harris Accessible Alerts and text GULF2024 to 888777 for 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season updates.
Source: ReadyHarris